They’re certainly off to a great start! I’m also digging the middle school Tips & Tricks/Photoshop 4.0 How To Make RAD TEXT EFFECTS tutorial look. Just go down that filter list, check every box, tweak some colors. Bam! You’re a graphic designer now.
They’re certainly off to a great start! I’m also digging the middle school Tips & Tricks/Photoshop 4.0 How To Make RAD TEXT EFFECTS tutorial look. Just go down that filter list, check every box, tweak some colors. Bam! You’re a graphic designer now.
Commiseration story: I drew comics for years. One weekend my parents cancelled big plans I’d been looking forward to. I was bitter and made a comic about the cancellation. Threw myself into it, inked lines, full color, great big format paper. I went into a creative fever and got it done in record time. When I showed…
This seems wildly profitable if the restaurant has coordinated it right. Presumably by ratcheting up the price to match the lavish presentation/decor, but if nothing else, they’re not burning through the usual day’s inventory and can cut back on that waste and maybe even staff costs. Great on the books, and if it…
Exactly. We like to look at both ends of the thing — the early discovery and the masterworks — and heap praise on them while turning an almost deliberate blind eye to the vast middle. What’s funny is, it can’t be ignorance. Maybe a lack of empathy for a specific skill because we’ve never studied it, but everyone has…
You mean the youtube singing stoner viewing cosplaying and parade float stuff? No shame there. Or do you mean the last five panels :(
It’s a criminal act that I think warrants disclosing his name.
Great analogy, and a huge insight into my life problems. I’ve been going at it like a platformer! Firing my therapist and looking at guides to pivot out of a mismanaged level 40 merchant. :)
But, minor quibble, shouldn’t it be (left parenthesis moved before “A”)...
If anyone knows who this is, let us know!
Hehehe. She eats the machismo stuff up. I had no idea she was even a gamer until recently when we reconnected online (we live on opposite sides of the Earth, completely separate lives to the extent we didn’t even know each others’ kids names for years). Turns out she likes playing as male characters and the extremity…
Broforce is fantastic. They really nail the flow and the challenge is just right for coop between players with disparate skills. I picked it up a few months ago to play with my sister and it’s not only the best, most developed, most functional Early Access game I’ve ever bought, it’s one of my favorite PC games…
Ah, the oft-practiced line of all children: But hand-eye coordination, Mom. But improved cogniwhatever! Mom!
I couldn’t stand the first episode. All I remember now is Vaughn’s puffy face here and there, wondering when McAdams would show up (then she did and dumped a sanctimonious “responsible sister” speech before I had a chance to buy her as a grisly trauma survivor or whatever). Farrell’s shitty dad arc is kind of okay for…
Ahhhhh, dang, looks like you have to be part of SMBC’s bank network for this?
Whulp, I know what I’m doing after work! Yahoo! Thanks, Portal Stories team!
It was also evidently shipped by a friend, so even if the cost were as much or more than the price of a game, it’s possible they split the cost or the friend covered it! Meanwhile on his update, he says: “Someone on imgur even offered to gift me a copy of the game if I didn’t get one.”
That’s where I’d get really impressed. Thumbs up for what he did here, but the real superhuman shit, what I hope and kind of expect someone to eventually achieve, is mastery of the game and all its variables. Playing on a turned-off monitor with no speakers, casually, talking with chat and setting down the controller…
Most definitely. You nail everything important about parenting. That interaction and communication results in healthy kids with smart attitudes about not just what’s entertaining but WHY, which in turn fosters critical thinking and empathy and yeah. And of course when a child misbehaves you adjust, capitalize on a…