
It’s super mild, for sure. Curry is a children’s favorite here for being an exquisitely bland broth. When you talk about curry with Japanese they assume you mean the Japanese kind, and like an inversion of their take on coffee (racehorse levels of caffeine if you don’t order it weak, i.e. weeeeeaaaak, i.e. “American”)

I’m surprised this hasn’t been done. It’s such a classic sight gag. Imagine curry with bits of corn in. Ughkk... gluck. Blech. Throwing up in my mouth a little. Guess that’s why nobody takes the joke all the way to the endzone as a business until this guy. Here’s betting they also serve chocolate ice cream in those

Definitely has that vibe.

On paper it does start to tell a story. Bit of a Goldilocks personality maybe? A quick read of the linked article also puts him at LucasArts for a while. Given turnover in the industry, and specific badwill for Amazon, I want to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Then again, the type of turnover we forgive is

As hard as I tried to do right by her, I always started lying to Moira. And then I had no respect for her, for buying my bullshit. Shitty asshole / naive pureheart relationship in a nutshell? #GodWhatAnAsshole

I like it. The circle button has always been red, now it’s just Hey Look Whoa Red in stark contrast with the colorless others. I don’t really dig the red and blue shoulder buttons. But a big red circle is fine. Highlights the “negative” aspect of the cancel button too, which feels thematically appropriate for a Dark


The biggest games belong to pop culture after a point. Most people can make it through a karaoke performance of Hey Jude or answer bar questions about the Wizard of Oz without any love for or even direct experience with the source material. I wouldn’t discourage anyone from taking what they do know and running with

I want to say this would go on a T-shirt but

So, so, so agree. After getting burned repeatedly I started thinking of Japanese entertainment as Russian roulette. No matter what I think I’m getting, even within very narrowly defined genres, there’s a live round in there to kill your enthusiasm. Any time. The ubiquity of sexual tween/teen winks and nods and peeks

Right! As deep as otakuism runs, I can just as easily imagine them printing little yellow signs of the “DO NOT” variety. Like, asking people to stop worshipping because it blocks foot traffic. The mind no longer boggles. It’s pre-boggled in anticipation of all possible actions, and Japan just picks one and follows

What happens to the offerings?

I love this kind of dense artwork. Would love have a print like this to mural my entire wall.

Hear hear. Absolutely agreed.

Very well worded.

She’s got a kind of lily innocent Mileena thing going on.


It’s probably foolish to hope, and maybe after the initial visual thrill it’ll fall flat in the “fun for everyone” category, but wouldn’t it be great if Star Wars Battlefront cracked the code?

I know we’re talking MP and not coop, but Broforce? <3