
can we see the vest? because there's like a 30% chance it's amazing and you actually have been missing out all this time

I've always wondered why they throw one right at the beginning of the ceremony…

Also, having 4 acts instead of 3. Just feels so unnatural…

On one hand, I agree. On the other, how refreshing it is to have a gay character on television who ISN'T just an anguished closet case or coded headcanon fodder.

It's not a coincidence that the Daily Show really ascended once W entered office.

At this point I'm like 13% sure that there never was an "Arnold" in the first place, at least in the form of a human partner of Ford's. Instead, it functions more as a name for an idea(l), much like Wyatt.

Perhaps it's to mimic the numbing time disorientation the hosts must experience—Maeve thought she'd been running the brother for decades, IIRC, but it had really only been a year since she'd been reassigned that character.

>and it was almost impossible to decipher what was going on

Same thing with sports and TV show subs; they tend to run smoothly during the season, but come offseason it's not unusual for moderation to become viewed as more controversial in a given sub.

Never has an album made me wanna kick back and down 40s on a frat house porch like this one. It's a goofy, juvenile milestone.

Girl, it's Manhattan. Why would a gay guy resort to that when there are so many options??

But it seems like with the electoral college, candidates instead end up focusing on a select number of battleground states while all but ignoring other parts of the country…so sort of like what you said would happen WITHOUT the electoral college, only with different campaign stops.

Can we not with homophobic insults right now please?

Her team ran one of the most tone-deaf campaigns I've ever seen. Ugh.

>I wanted to shake every motherfucker with a lisp by the lapels until they learned how to pronounce shit

I mean, she won an Oscar for that role…

Was your grocery store secretly on an airplane?

Tomboy got unfairly slept on a bit when it came out. That album's really held up well.

Honest question: what's wrong with Rich Hill? I haven't seen it but had heard good things…

wacky tobackey