
Nah, season 1 is great too. Even the very first episode (the holiday one) was funnier than I'd remembered when I recently rewatched it.

Craig Ferguson.

Hmm. Fair enough, but then, I mean I agree that neither of those are great movies, but I'm not sure how you could make a plot like that work while still seeming:

>despite being another story of a white boy's growing pains

Lol maybe one day we'll all remember that bisexuality is a thing that exists.

Super Mario World (which as an SNES platformer came before Super Mario 64) has several varieties of Lakitu, including two "fishin' Lakitus": one offers you a 1-up mushroom as bait, and if you take it he switches back to Spinies.The other is an indestructible ghost Lakitu that dangles a blue flame of death from his

No, it's more like referring to a square as a rectangle. All squares are of course rectangles, but a square is something a bit more specific; similarly, Lakitu with his bespectacled, grim visage and floating cloud of death and/or camerawork, is far more specifically and uniquely equipped than the typical Koopa.

Try going outside and exploring your community. :)

Our contemporary culture is essentially a grand pastiche of nostalgically recalled older styles.

Thank you for the prompt reply to my fortnight-later comment. :)

But of course, all that is subtext, which is why I think the 3 seconds of Sulu and his husband that we apparently get in this movie are so important.

"In addition to the program's content, Fox also received criticism for
its promotional material, including describing the gay judges as a "jury
of their queers"."

Or, from that same contest, "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" flavor.

Because it's called the "Chickenwich" but is clearly made of beef, so McDonald's is lying about its sandwich just like Shillary and Obummer LIED about Benghazi.

Nice relevant pre-internet meme!

Or at the very least, he's more of the dictionary definition of a conservative: he appreciates and values tradition, and doesn't see the need to "fix it if it ain't broke." Much of the dramatic tension in King Of The Hill arises as a result of the conflict between Hank's paternal conservatism and the realities of

I remember watching one of those, and the trick was that the inexplicably Zorro-looking magician appeared to be stabbing his own thumb repeatedly, without pain. The secret was that he was actually stabbing a baby carrot he had concealed beneath his thumb, or something.

"How will we end it? We all know bi people can't be satisfied with just one person, right?"

Lol, this is no better than those "born in the wrong generation" comments about how nobody makes GOOD music/movies/etc. anymore.

Ah yes, he's just the latest in a long line of rappers vocally supporting gay marriage, a list that also includes…….?