
SU seems cool, but isn't the queerness on that show implied/subtextual? As opposed to here, where it's much more direct and open about these two characters being a couple.

I mean, I don't think it's ultimately his decision as an actor to make.

That whole album—The Kick Inside—is absolutely terrific late-70s pop. And IIRC she choreographed the video herself! But honestly, when I saw this headline the first thing I thought was "goddamn it 2016, kate bush better not have just died."

Lol oh ok, that's good I guess

Huh. Thanks for the thoughtful response to what was admittedly a snarky joke of a comment from me. :)

Your friends sound great.

I guess it's why not lol

What's the update on that? Is Cap still a secret Hydra bb?

"cool Gen X kids"

I think it's pretty much this, except that they probably had this planned out since well before asking him and simply expected him to give them his blessing. Announcing it before reaching some kind of compromise or understanding with Takei—which naturally follows from having specifically gone to the trouble of asking

There can never be too many lens flares.

I'm sure you didn't mean it this way so please don't take it personally, but it's rather dehumanizing to find out that to so many people, having a gay character is an "issue."

It seems like you're doing 50% too much work here…

When devil's on a bagel…

Their sound was absolutely not new, even in a post-ironic-retro way, when their debut came out in 2011. But I've missed these two—glad they're back.

Wait, Cthulhu ties into the original Scooby Doo cartoon?


lol and then they made idioteque

The number of "totally not homophobes" I know who think homosexual acts are sinful but still want to consider themselves allies because they think Kim Davis was, like, legally in the wrong bro is too damn high.

There's also a Star Road entrance key you have to fly up to access. ;p