
Gurl. I like Kanye—or at least, I like a lot of his music—but 808s and Heartbreaks didn't "birth Frank Ocean."

Experience tells me that won't stop most people. ;p

THE A.V. Club

True, but to be fair, what do we think led to his meltdown?

As someone who hasn't watched the show but has heard a lot about it (most but certainly not all positive), I'm curious: how does it portray gay male sexuality?

Or explaining the virtues of grambling.

Yes, Zoolander is much funnier than A Christmas Story.

Like America cares about the Tonys.

I don't think any one single thing can be "the cause" of something like this. I also think "radical Islam," however we're defining that, probably played some role in the shooter's decision to carry out the attack.

No, I'm pretty sure it was clearly a hate crime, motivated by the shooter's affiliation with ISIS.

Rupaul Charles.

You can argue that objectification of male actors isn't as widespread or dangerous as that of female actors, and I'd pretty much agree. But there's no need for the square quotes around "objectifying" a male actor [or otherwise public figure]. It still happens, it can still cross the line, and the notion shouldn't be

Yes, how dare special interest groups have specific things they care about!

Jimmy Fallon levels of political humor right here.

Alexx Woods, the medical examiner on CSI Miami!

"Anxious ambiverts overanalyzing media" is exactly what the AV Club likes, anyway.

They did with Amnesiac tho.

I bought my copy of In Rainbows at a Starbucks, thereby cancelling out whatever indie cred I might accrue in my lifetime.

Wasn't it already sort of that when the movie came out a few months back?