
"I thought you said you had no family" to go home to, i.e. spouse and children. I assume this was Walter's implication.

Someone on reddit said it was like if Angelo Badalamenti teamed up with Autechre.

See that's funny, a couple days ago I myself got a great new white BMW convertible and a light-up jungle gym for my kid.

"I'm living in the future so my present in the past…my presence is a present, kiss my ass."

The grades are not what they seem

I really really need a cutaway to her nodding disapprovingly after every remaining black lodge scene this season.

Yes, how dare he flirt with this woman who's clearly interested in him.

Diane is her evil doppleganger confirmed

@john_louie:disqus Well, that is, as long as they're able to get along with each other. Alliances and the breaking thereof are a fact of multi-sibling life.

Are any of them actually identified as LGBT? Like, not just in a queer-subtext way.

It's "surprisingly provocative" because it turns out straight women's concerns aren't always central to queer people, believe it or not!

The kid who got run over was a boy.

Same, and it makes me hope they have a new album coming out soon.

Wish granted!!

Wish granted!!

Because its an awesome sample.

Well, maybe he was, but he was also legitimately just a kid, so it was more understandable.

Although he did have that killer song with MIA

Neither band member identifies as a man, let alone a gay man. I think they're both genderqueer, and one might have recently started transitioning. And their lyrics I'd describe more as queer than gay.

Daniela is a creepy voyeur and yet another reminder that even lots of smart, progressive TV is afraid of showing two men be sexually and romantically intimate without the presence of a woman.