
Well at least they've finally given Jamal a male love interest. Took them long enough.

I know I'm 2 months late, but your comment makes it sound like it would be a sign of Eric's continued immaturity or anger or what have you if he got into gay porn. Being a porn actor—even a GAY porn actor—doesn't have to be a sign of distress or some other character flaw, ya know!

No, we'd like an example of a gay couple that isn't revealed as such only in the final moments of the movie. Why can't we just have normal on-screen same-sex relationships too? ;_;

……..On your left!

Also the songs on TKOL weren't anywhere near Kid A's level. Or even In Rainbows's. ('s's's's)

Amnesiac is the only number 1 for this list.

>I think I can acknowledge it matters to you and quite possibly value anything in it that does not contradict my values.

I wonder if that particular subplot is "over" now or whether Brandon's staying closeted. I didn't really buy that scenario last season, but I guess this episode handled it as well as it could have.

Can we appreciate just one little achievement in representation for gay men? Without immediately asking "what about the <other group="">"? That would be nice.

Ain't heteronormativity a bitch?

Pearl's looks and charisma levels were better than Derrick's by a mile.

>Is it bad that I still think Pearl made up, or at least greatly exaggerated, most of that shit?

But Sylvester was still clearly a male singer. I'm not sure what "drag-inflected" even means in this case, but being androgynous in his look doesn't make Sylvester less of a boy singer. It just makes him an especially fabulous boy singer. ;p

Lord knows why she was given so much benefit of the doubt to begin with. I would've booted her ass episodes ago.

If it's like last season's final four episode, all the lip queens will be awkwardly lip syncing at the same time.

Thank you for the thoughtful response. And honestly? As staunchly gaytheist as I am, I still am

>I actually don't expect people to believe such a thing if they
don't. And a part of me would maybe even go "I'd make the cake if I knew they were atheists or Unitarians or something."