C'mon, Bud, you can't have it both ways. Just a few years ago you were bellyaching that Harold Reynolds and Steve Phillips weren't being Platonic enough.
C'mon, Bud, you can't have it both ways. Just a few years ago you were bellyaching that Harold Reynolds and Steve Phillips weren't being Platonic enough.
I'm chime in about the value of your recs as well. My typical beginning of the workday involves scanning the previous night's DUAN (as I am currently doing), and letting the musical threads and recommendations make up my morning playlist. A move back east, a bigger family and a more work-intensive job have severely…
The transcription of the lyrics/sequence seems a bit off here, Barry. Pretty sure the breakdown occurred before the song was written.
Ewing knew he was doomed from the start, as when he asked Jordan about his chances to land the job, he was told that it was a virtual layup.
David Chase cites "brand synergy" as a prime motivation for the selection, noting that the series will pick up right where it left off, with Tony Sparano being murdered at his favorite diner.
"It's pointless to try to stop him, Manny. Those indians will just keep comin' and comin'!"
These two posts are an endless source of entertainment. Thank you, Mr. Dickey.
In the immortal words of Robbie Nevil.
Not at all trying to devalue. A no-hitter against any MLB team is quite simply an amazing accomplishment. His stuff, plus the fact he has already thrown 2 no-nos, combined with the weak Pirates offense lend a sense of inevitability.
Verlander has given up no hits through 6 innings. Before you scoff at this for being ridiculously premature, I will point out that he is facing the Pirates. So.... about a 95% chance a no-no happens?
A Leak Of Their Own
This is even more horrifying when you consider how many can o' corns the Pirates typically produce in a single game.