Pictured: Breakfast at the La Russa household
Pictured: Breakfast at the La Russa household
The Thai player became further enraged when a celebratory Martin danced around the room with his g-string prominently viewable above his corduroys.
I can't wait to read Norby's live blogging while infiltrating the Deadspin Sunday Football Watching Party.
The Wolverine banging isn't really a surprise. Everybody knows she has a soft spot for genetic mutants.
Registering nearly 3X the BAC level as renowned DUI'er, Rafael Furcal, has helped rocket Leskanic up Bill Jame's updated BARF rankings.
Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said he believes there is 'more to it' than Stelzenmuller just trying on scuba equipment.
"The Clydesdale genuflected toward Lower Manhattan, performing a ritual of perfect animal insincerity"
Big deal, Ricky Williams has a degree in elementary education from UT and he successfully negotiated his first contract to receive cereal Maseratis at bonus time.
English has a whole cloud of terms for various parts of this ability: feel, touch, form, proprioception, coordination, hand-eye coordination, kinesthesia, grace, control, reflexes, and so on.
Observing the bewildered stares and awkward silence from the press corps, a clearly agitated and nervous Bennett continued:
Morgan will have a tough time following Reggie Jackson's revelatory chicken dance performance in 2010, after which he was dubbed, "Mr. Oktoberfest".
Congrats. You can already tell that she is polite, being that she waited out the hurricane before making her arrival.
"Logic is for pussies"
Ridiculous. Everyone knows God hates drags.
Le Womans Passenger Produces Exasperated Sigh And Exclaims, 'I Told You That You Were Driving Like An Asshole And That You Really Need To Grow Up And I Don't Understand Why You Never Listen To Me And I Don't Even Know Where This Relationship Is Even Going At This Point'