team buttersidedown

“I’m still learning that I don’t have to smile when a man makes me uncomfortable”

Side note: it seems to be a trend that women are way, way, way more invested in General Organa, whereas men focus on her as Princess Leia. I mean, it’s no surprise why, but it’s just... touching to me.

I loved Kumail Nanjiani’s monologue.

The first question that comes to mind is, do we really want President Mike Pence? I think not. Donald Trump is overall very ineffective due to his lack of political skill and his abrasiveness. Mike Pence would be far more skillful in moving the country in the wrong direction.

Bill Maher is the worst at that. Pretty much every time one of his jokes falls flat he accuses the audience of being too politically correct or not edgy enough. He can’t even entertain the idea that maybe the joke wasn’t funny.

This is heartbreaking. Most of these models are just kids and so vulnerable and often away from home for the first time with no one to protect them. At least Eileen Ford had young models staying at her home with a curfew and people to look out for them. Jerry Hall said it was so boring staying at Eileen’s but the

Music, Fashion industry are going to be big ones since they’re both known to be places where men target pre-teen to young adult girls. The sex abuse is infamous.

He sounds like exactly the type of dipshits who populate PhD parties actually.

The fact it’s happening in the Age of Trump is just bizarre. Maybe we all got sick of creeps being rewarded?

Me neither. This is how men in power who see women as nothing but objects impact not just all the women they work with and harass personally but all women who want to see stories that speak to them.

Right? The lineup of original shows on Amazon is a sausage party! And even worse, it’s a boring sausage party.

Not to defend what he said, but in the subsequent 6 years he has apologized for the comment (and once again today) and educated himself on the subject as well as directed, write, and star in Road to Paloma about the subject of rape in Native American communities.

Hackett claims Price told her, “You will love my dick” (reportedly a reference to another Amazon series I Love Dick). Later, at the party, Price allegedly came up to Hackett and loudly exclaimed “Anal sex!” in her ear.

I feel like Seattle’s “earthquake preparedness” is just the power of collective denial.

Judging by the architectural features of the houses (they’re hella ‘80s) this subdivision appears to have been built before the state started mandating “defensive landscaping” around residential developments after the Oakland Hills fires of 1991. You can see in the “before” picture how close woodland is to the house,

Only move to potentially salvage Marchesa. Makes sense.

Matt Damon has four daughters, people! He’s now contractually obligated to care about women.

I assume Singer has made it clear he isn’t going to be shy about naming names if he ever gets booted/arrested. He knows every single pedo in Hollywood, with picture documentation, I guarantee it. So he can corral insane amounts of support to protect himself. He’s the Trojan horse everybody points to while ignoring the

Of the men staying silent, I wonder if any of them have similar skeletons in their closets. Especially those that went out of their way to kill the original story from coming out.

I think it’s interesting that Corker’s background was running big real estate companies. We all know that Trump’s previous job was bullshit, but I imagine as someone who knows the industry ins and outs he knows exactly how bullshit it was.