team buttersidedown

No need to say all that. Any of us who are offended probably have some listening and introspection to do. Sometimes we need to know when to just shut up and listen.

Rose McGowan is absolutely right. In the NY Times piece, they talk about how women would double up to go into Weinstein’s office, and I thought, where the fuck are the men??? Time to name and shame, ALL OF YOU WHO STOOD BY AND KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING ARE FAIR GAME.

His opposition is hilarious when you consider that men’s inability to be empathic and sympathetic as well as the outright refusal to adjust to a modern workforce that is predominantly about care giving are exactly why their unemployed asses are getting left behind and women are taking over.

They’ve shifted now to blaming Hillary Clinton for knowing him and Malia Obama for doing an internship with him last year. Because when a man is doing something horrible, it is always a woman’s fault, or many women’s fault, but it’s never his own fucking fault or that of the many, many men who knew he was doing this

God, is THAT why Alicia Vikander became an instant thing? She’s okay, but her level of fame has always struck me as odd as it seemingly came out of nowhere.

Yep, I know journalists have to say “alleged sexual harassment” but I’m calling it -almost definitely a fucking serial rapist.

Industry creeps like Weinstein see all relationships with women as transactional affairs in which power buys access to their bodies. For him, that someone is well connected or established just means that the price of silence or “consent” will be higher, like say, an Oscar campaign. Famous women are by no means

Rose McGowan hasn’t had real suitably meaty work recently. Its definitely connected. She’s been vocal about calling out other sexist shit like with Adam Sandler and it got her agency to drop her.

Ashley Judd said “no”. I’m sure there are many, many women who - for a variety of reasons - didn’t feel like they were in a position to do the same. This is just horrible in so many ways.

By the way, when people wonder why there aren’t more women filmmakers, this kind of shit is a huge factor. Of course there’s terrible behavior in every industry, but any woman working in this business encounters this kind of crap all the time, and it tends to cramp your style when you have to spend the bulk of your

Didn’t Elijah Wood come very close to doing that, only to walk it back?

yep- ronan farrow is doing the new yorker piece, and i think he has someone, or someones, BIG on record. someone big enough that they dont give a fuck about a settlement, and probably arent even pursuing a lawsuit, but theyre talking

Rose McGowen and Asia Argento are two more.

“Jay Z wrote in 4:44 “I’m not the man I thought I was and I better be that man for my children.” The same is true for me.

“This story has everything...”

this is all shit that was already well known- something big is coming. laura bloom is trying real hard to get ahead of whatever it is.

Cosby, Ailes, O’Reilly, the Pussy Grabber in Chief, Weinstein... Can “liberal” men wake up now? How many of these high powered men need to get caught after decades of abusing women for them to realize we are actually not living in a feminist utopia and things REALLY ARE THAT BAD.

The thing that amazes me about this, like Cosby, is everyone knew this. Most people here in the comments knew this. There were jokes on mainstream network sitcoms about this.

There’s are two standout comments on The NY Times article. The first blames Ashley Judd for not speaking out earlier (I do not get this mysterious anger that a lot of people seem to have against Ashley Judd.)

There’s nothing funny here. This is tragic in every way.