team buttersidedown

“Are we single gals ever truly empowered if we keep getting pestered even after we say no? Is consent the new consensual sex?”

I mean not only did she shit all over black culture but she shit all over the woman who made sure LBJ didn’t forget about civil rights.

Kim Cattrell used to date Alexander Siddig. Which makes her an object of fascination in my book. Because..... what a man, what a man, what a man.

“I do not...remember.”

I disagree, but I respect that you’re willing to admit that here.

Number one reason for me is the way she talks/enunciates words. Number two would be because her music is complete garbage.

I can’t speak for the whole hive but I find her grating and problematic.

It sucks that it’s not system-wide, but it’s good that at least one host is demonstrating to everyone else a different way of doing things. And Amber and Jenny are great. I also love “Amber says What!?”.

Amber Ruffin was on Drunk History and she was delightful.

He didn’t “become” a billionaire, he inherited money from his father and actually has done worse with it than if he had just invested in a fund directly tied to the S&P.

Oh for fuckSAKE, brosephines. Look, cop to it, if you actually invited any female photographers at all, you invited ONE, and she couldn’t attend, and you had no Backup Token.

Nice work Patty! Now, introduce a national vote by mail bill.

Kate Hudson: go fuck yourself. The C-section is the reason why my son and I are both alive today. It’s a legitimate medical procedure that saves fucking lives.

Not to be snarky, but isn’t that how this works? For decades, the Far Right has chipped away at the public good, forcing Democrats to edge closer to center (and into the shallow Right) to stay viable. Perhaps Medicare-for-all isn’t a winner this go-around, but it’ll get a lot of public support, making funding

I’m down for Suicide Squad in space with baguettes instead of super powers

She is incredible. She’s one of those actors that I’ll watch even if I wasn’t originally interested in the project. She has a way of elevating the material.

The bigger question, Khloe, is why are you all still so fucking parched?

That coat!

Yep, this is partly why Lydia’s disgrace is such a crisis. Her being a ‘fallen woman’ would have a disasterous effect on her sister’s chances of getting married at all. The affair getting hushed up and her marrying Wickham allows not just her reputation, but those of her sister’s to remain ‘unsullied.’