team buttersidedown

Ronan Farrow was the sibling to believe his sister fully and support her. He also happens to be the one who did the story that kicked the beehive over Harvey Weinstien. His credibility in this is more than Woody Allen’s at this point.

I lost ALL respect for Cate Blanchett when she made “Blue Jasmine.” And when she won an Oscar for it I turned the channel. People who willingly make movies with Woody Allen (I’m looking at YOU Selena Gomez) just sort of dim in my world.

Please please please let this show come back and pick up where it left off, with the same cast and everything. It was a terrific show, with a great, woman-centered storyline. It’s ridiculous that it was cancelled.

I do not get the woody Allen Hollywood circle jerk. OR roman Polanski.

She’ll probably be the only one saying sorry about working with Woody Allen. The rest (I’m looking at you Kate Winslet) will still work with him and then deny answering questions about their choice to work with him. Hum. So fucking disappointing.

Oh, hey there, Sleepy Hollow.

I bet there is a significant Venn diagram overlap of Trump voters and Entourage fans.

Whether he watched it or not, if this was a business decision, he should have made it after he looked at the ratings it got and if it reached a desirable audience. There are so many ways to obtain factual information about how a show is doing that axing it based on his feelings is totally unprofessional.

Any man that knows that your coworker doesn’t respect boundaries and hasn’t had a talk with him is complicit and full of shit. I’m so fed up with men allowing this shit for the sake of their bro alliance/brotherhood/patriarchy/being cowards. I’m really sorry you have to deal with this shit and it’s all on you.

Honestly, my first impression was that they removed her hair to look more “Other” (i.e. exotic and otherworldly) in the way African-heritage women are often depicted in fashion shoots. To me that’s not her look at all - she has more of a fresh, girl-next-door type of beauty - but they’re forever trying to style her

And hopefully they ditch that awful wig on Loki like they did for Thor. Man that was distracting. Also, Loki should be naked a few times during the next Avengers...for science.

Exactly, by that logic Alan Rickman would have turned into some kind of moustache-twirling villain given his casting over the years, and he very distinctly didn’t. You only become that kind of person if you were always that kind of person, deep down.

As well he should. His asshattery is legendary by now. But seriously, after reading the NYT piece yesterday and learning about Louis CK’s manager and his attempt to silence the victims of his client, you start thinking about the whole network of comedians and performers this thing touches. You think of how many people

At one point I thought Weinstein might go in that direction but the thing is, he loves and values himself too much plus he’s totally deluded into thinking things will work out for him. They all think that. They’ve been allowed do whatever they want their whole lives so why wouldn’t these scandals blow over for them?

I’m in a “fuck all y’all straight to hell”. Not only the predators but their buddies and enablers and other adjacent hangers-on who directly or indirectly benefitted from each of these scumbags’ careers.

Oh, I think it’s very productive, Jeremy. There are loads of people who want to work in entertainment. Maybe it’s time to let some different folks have a shot at it.

Ironically, women have been “torn down” since the dawn of civilization due to men thinking that access to a woman’s body is their right.

Fuck you Piven. I bet he’s been shitting himself for weeks. They all are.

I’m confused by this. Christopher Plummer is most definitely a name. He’s won an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA ...

Or he could have shelved the movie. The fact that everyone went all on on doing this sends a message to rest of the predators out there - you’re replaceable. Good for them.