team buttersidedown

A trans woman defeating the guy who tried to pass a bathroom bill is the kind of poetic justice we need.

“Kantor is NOT following Ronan Farrow,”

Farrow is really doing a good job. I was all prepared to look down my nose at his work, but he’s solid.

How does any woman do this to another woman without feeling complete disgust at herself? Am I so utterly naïve?

I bet grade-school Weinstein spent six hours finding a way to cheat on a test that would have taken two hours to study for.

This is great. I wish more people would start moving away from fast fashion.

I’ve tried this off and on and it’s extremely depressing to realize that even $600 blouses at Nordstrom are made in China. They just have bigger profit margins. And while I’ve heard that there are factories in China (for example) that adhere to fair labor laws, I’m pretty fucking skeptical.

I’m trying to shift to buy clothing items that aren’t fast fashion because of the environmental impact, and because that business model encourages this kind of manufacturing. I know higher quality clothing can be made in the same awful conditions, but at least it lasts much longer and is sometimes made under better

I love that they’re pinning it on the neighbor being a liberal and disagreeing with Rand Paul’s views, when it could just as easily have been that Rand Paul is one of those assholes who blows leaves onto your lawn.

If you hear a group of British men within earshot, leave.
If you hear a group of Russian men within earshot, run.
If you hear a group of Dutch men within earshot, flirt.

What’s more, perhaps the lesser known good ones aren’t more famous because they refused to be complicit with this shit. I say axe all the assholes and see what happens.

My favorite thing (if such a thing exists) about all this awful shit is that I don’t give a fuck if Dustin Hoffman ever works again. Or any of them! If Tom Hanks and Levar Burton are the only men left in the entertainment industry in 18 months, you know, so what? The fate of R. Kelly, Jeremy Piven, et fucking al is

I think its time to treat the movie business like we do the Catholic Church. Both are institutions where people (men mostly) are in high ranking postions surrounded by beautiful young people searching for life paths and answers. These type of institutions attract and habor sexual misconduct and worse. Both have the

Can someone PLEASE tell me why this and the stories of guys like Dan Schneider haven’t gained more traction? Like, yes, women are being raped on casting couches. SO ARE CHILDREN

That quote by Cate Blanchette is EVERYTHING.

Also, not that it really matters, but the only song of theirs I’ve ever heard of features her prominently, and her singing is the only part of that song I liked.

The momentum that’s been created recently by the many courageous women who have opened up about their own stories has inspired me to finally be more direct, at whatever cost.

Or they’re alluding to the fact that Laura and George have gotten their smoke on ever since he left office and the coast is clear. Could explain some of his goofiness and the odd but intriguing painting habit. And Laura’s deep mellowness.

Gee, I wonder how many of Terry’s famous friends will stand by him? I’m looking at you, Justin Theroux, Chloe Sevigny, Lady Gaga, etal!

So is anyone going to mention Dan Schneider next? I imagine the execs at Nick have had a very nerve-racking few weeks over him.