team buttersidedown

My wife wasn’t diagnosed until last year at age 32. She’s been seeing a therapist who is basically using a lite version of social stories and “troubleshooting” social situations and she’s doing so much better now. If she had had access to this kind of therapy as a child, she would have been spared a lot of social and

Girls, particularly clever girls, learn to mask and mimic early on. In fact I think there was a study done to show that the higher the IQ of a girl the less likely she was to be diagnosed with ASD because they were able to hide it so well.

I was just thinking the other day - anti-vaxxers are saying rates of autism are skyrocketing, while people who are actually autistic insist that diagnosis is just better now.

A very good friend of mine is autistic, but generally presents as neurotypical.

My son is going to be evaluated soon, his therapists and Dr think he may be mildly on the spectrum. So of course, I hopped on Dr Google for info, and came across a few articles about women w/ Aspergers and their symptoms.....they hit a little close to home.

I’ve always thought that autism was just easier to “pass” with as a girl. Boys are supposed to be loud, boisterous, wild etc. Girls are quite, restrained, proper.

Oh they’re Mormon? The names make total sense now!

I was wondering the same. Came in looking for information, still equally confused.

I love Adele, but Duffy’s voice and lyrics are more interesting. Too bad both of them couldn’t have stayed.

A grown-ass man who calls himself “Buddy” would do well to keep his dumb opinions to himself.

Wow. Remember when Senator Warren was censured for having the temerity to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the floor of the Senate, because she’d insulted Sessions by doing so? They could not abide that breach in decorum due to a senator.

I am just an eyeliner mess without the angst.

Then what’s the point of even having a religion? I mean, if what you do, what you believe, and how you act don’t impact how you spend eternity then why would you even bother?

“Notoriously secretive” = Keeping slaves in a cult

Me too. Much like I read “Juicy Couture” as a question: “D’you see couture?” (The answer usually is nope).

I inherited my grandmother’s bags. They are all no-name but they hold up incredibly well. I think she hadn’t bought a new bag since the 80s and the oldest one is from the 40s.

BREAKING: Meh Buys Bleh

There was a story in the Times just a couple years ago of Michael Kors driving through Midtown, blissfully counting the number of woman carrying his bags, immediately identifiable by those godawful, golden door knocker-sized MK medallions.

She was originally going to go with Summer Eve, but decided that would be too douchey...