team buttersidedown

Fwiw, lyching was used, on a MUCH smaller scale, to intimidate and punish other people groups as well. Before I go on, I just want to say MUCH SMALLER SCALE again, just in case anyone thinks I'm trying to compete for most oppressed. I would lose, and I'm well aware of it.

I grew up in S. California and I don't remember specifically being taught about lynchings of Hispanics, but we certainly learned that people were treated horribly, disenfranchised, and killed. We were absolutely taught about the internment camps. I think Farewell to Manzanar was required reading and know that it's

East Coaster here — I did but only because I took AP US history and was lucky enough to have a very progressive teacher who didn't shy away from the "ugly" stuff, and assigned A People's History as one of our textbooks. Generally speaking though, if you talk to East Coast kids the, the entirety of Chicano history in

I'll take this as your apology for vagina yogurt.


I still remember when someone brought them up to me and I was all "psh, that wasn't a thing. That's what they did in Germany, you silly goose."

It just makes me so upset that these people are deliberately ignoring the humanitarian, decent caring human thing to do for the sake of politics and religion. They are forgetting that most people who live in these war zones are caught inbetween religion and politics and want no part of it. All she did was care for

Thank you for this. Rather than blind outrage at the stupidity of UO (which many of us are all inevitably feeling right now), you used this moment to have all of us remember and reflect, and I thank you for it, hard as it is to read.

That's all we need, you beautiful, shining, precious diamond of a human being.

Divorce? Bwahahahahahahaha! Then she'll have, what? Some money?

Like ... real talk. I put out. Often. Because PUTTING OUT IS FUN.

Gaysian, I want to star this, because I think it's an important narrative, but that may be the saddest thing I've ever read. And I can't bring myself to do it. Just know you have my support.


I am just genuinely sad. Jon Stewart has been such an incredibly influential, kind, smart and vital voice in my lifetime. His presence at The Daily Show will be sorely missed.

There are days when I wish Christianity wasn't pure mythology just so I could see how righteously pissed Jesus would be if he ever came back and met the modern American Christian. It would make the Cleansing of the Temple look like a dance around the friggin' maypole.

Every time I see one of these conservative "fact" posts pop up on my FB feed, I am so grateful for it because it tells me who to delete. My own father posts things from time to time about how Obama renamed the White House Christmas trees to "Holiday Trees" (totally debunked that one) and how he's never referred to

My dog would shake and probably poop. She's a nervous pooper.

I'm going to vote no. It's pretty overt with the insults. I think it would be shade if they hadn't mentioned her at all by (nick)name and just made the rest of their comments about being from Princeton and finding rape abhorrent. This was a straight up, "This bitch is the worst, the media should really stop talking to

Fox news has to have some method to vet their possible on-air talent.

Here's the thing, PenelopeParadis, I don't care if you like the same music I like.