team buttersidedown

If a man is simply not sexist, that's cool, I don't give him special props for thinking of women as human beings. But if a man is actively a feminist, it's so hot. And then I'm objectifying him for being a feminist, which creates a really special brand of uncomfortable irony not found elsewhere.

this comment is beautiful and I love you, hu-mom.

Jesus fuck I would cut that malignant ape out of my life.

I see you've read his book

Awwwww that's so cute. Men being feminist never fails to melt my cold heart...

Politics is about two things: campaign infrastructure and MONEY. The Clintons have both, and better than anyone else out there right now. Bush comes in a close second. And frankly, the democratic bench is pretty awful right now. If Clinton doesn't run, democrats don't have much of anyone else to rely on. Elizabeth

Yeah, I understand there are character limits in the headlines, but BOTH the parents were shot - and, as you said, the father was probably injured much more severely - so it's strange to omit the father from the headline entirely in favor of alerting us to the presence of a fetus. (Also smacks of the classic "women's

A lot of porn encourages rape culture, certainly, but that really doesn't mean any recording of people having sex automatically encourages rape culture.

Let's not forget the gay clone look. Tim's with cut-off shorts and a tank were like a uniform in the late 80's/early 90's in lots of gay clubs. Just add cowboy hat and go!

I just want to point out that this is from a 75-year study that began in 1933-1938. So I wonder how much culture plays into the personality traits for long-lived men & women. Obviously our gender norms are substantively different in some ways now, and not in others. I only skimmed the abstract but I wonder how

I think right after everyone decides campus police finally need to go, they will start on "Campus Health Centers." At the best, they seem ineffective. At worst, they are actively damaging people. I have NEVER heard a good story about campus health where someone wasn't embarrassed, had their privacy violated, had a

You win for today.

Wait, maybe she's right.

Rape is a two-party thing. One person has to take the active role - committing rape - for rape to happen. No one forces someone to rape someone else (unless it's a real jacked situation). I, as a guy, can see a drunk woman at a party and choose to assault and rape her, walk away, or try to get

Yeah, in real life I just grimaced and walked away. But in the article, I called her a mean name. BUT SOMEONE EDITED IT OUT. Apparently, Millihelen is not my platform to passive aggressively name call people who are mean to me at preschool pick up.

I really appreciate it when a chemist weighs in. Personally, I'm in the teeny tiny "strongly reactive " camp when it comes to this group. I'm really tired of being "special" in my health and wellness needs.

I see them mostly on hipsters here in Seattle.

I never known any laborer to actually Tims. Wolverine or Red Wing are far superior boots.

The craziest part is that when you factor in their reasonably frequent sales and robust clearance section, Kate Spade's main brand was consistently much more affordable than Saturday.

Nah. Chico's is not prep. It's wannabe artsy. The Chico's woman is what the Anthropologie girl will grow up to be.

Girl, YES. I've still got two ribbed merino v-neck sweaters from JCrew circa mid-late 90s. I wore the shit out of them and they still look amazing. I loathe the apparent current norm of cheap 'n' trendy basically disposable clothes. That's fine for the Old Navy leggings I sleep in and wear around the house, but not