team buttersidedown

if viola davis isn't classically beautiful then i guess i don't understand what classic beauty is

It's moments like this that make me want to mildly stalk you(not sure if you can "mildly" stalk someone, but I believe it involves cupcakes) and then force you to be my best friend. But since Im lazy and cold, I'll just ask that you keep posting these awesome gifs. In the mean time, I'll daydream about us eating

Ina Garten refused a Make a Wish kid three times- and when the bad PR caught up with her, tried to take it back, but the kid decided he'd ratger swim with the dolphins than cook with a self-involved bitch. I don't particularly like Giada either (I'm not a fan of most American tv chefs), but she stepped up when other

Nope. I'd take brian Williams over him any day

Thank you for sharing your very personal story. I'm sorry for your loss.

Another important part of sex-ed would be a unit on consent and what is/isn't considered appropriate once consent is obtained.

His mother, however, was quoted as saying "whores."

Why is bisexuality never an option?

They used "gal pals." That is the term to look for. I think, if I ever get married, I'm going to send out spoof invitations that use that term a bunch of times. "X and Y will forever be in gal pal bliss."


I still think the majority of the blame for the disaster that was the 2011 Oscars hosting falls on Franco. But I like that Anne doesn't hesitate to admit that it was a mess.

"farms" that raise baby tigers, lions, etc for people to pet, can not keep all of those adult cats because of cost.



"...marriage is basically figuring out how much weird you can love in another person."

No no no :) She is a teacher. And totally pro-science/medicine/etc. That's what prompted the placenta/lactation discussion, actually.

Maybe he was tested for it? It's a genetic disease, so he couldn't have been vaccinated for it.

I've unfriended people for that kind of viral fuckery. Not my Facebook, Satan. Not on my Facebook.

This is awful. I knew this happened to a relative in my family and honestly, when I found out the children were being around a woman recovering from cancer with no immune system - I hit the roof. People are so fucking selfish about vaccinations. The reason you have them is also not to kill other people!

Tested? and it is all in her uterus?