team buttersidedown

Uuuuugh yes this so much, I want all of those clothes

Fact: Cameron Diaz's hair in The Holiday is the best Cameron Diaz hair of all time.

Those guys with the suspenders destroyed my cute meter.

YES! I wore really jazzy shoes and did as much pinterest-y crap to my hair I could find.

It starts well, but how do we prevent it from ending up back here?


People in marching bands are not dorks. They are geeks! Get it right.

Actually, the blog also takes its name from a Bette Davis movie called Jezebel. The choice of the name Jezebel was to demonstrate the laughable hypocrisy in how women who were so-called "Jezebels" were historically vilified thanks in large part to a patriarchal culture obsessed with shaming women for owning their

Aaaand I think we can call this one, albeit a little late. Cyndi Lauper won.

Absolutely. It's what passes for empathy and kindness for them. "How can you say I'm a heartless person when I care so deeply about millions of unborn babies??!"It's as much to convince themselves as others that they are decent people.

I have some potential shade:

vat? racist Martin Freeman? Tell me more!

Same. It sounds like they were emotionally and mentally abusive. Would there be calls for sympathy if they were hitting or molesting her? Probably not. Cruel words are just as damaging.

It's probably to avoid having a gravesite and headstone. They would most likely have a headstone with Leelah's given name, and people would come along and deface it to have Leelah's chosen name. So the parents did it for selfish reasons. For the same reason they took her out of school when she came out to her

I bet you this pastor, Tim Tripp, is an accomplice in Leelah's murder.

Is this Outlander?! Because I was told that I needed to watch it, and now I am starting to think I was being trolled.

For someone who was so good at constantly reinventing herself, she has done a shitty job as reinventing herself as a mature woman.

yes. OMG

I tend to be a really chatty friendly person and I have had a lot of issues with taxi drivers asking me why I'm not married ect ect and I have developed a really strong raydar for when I need to shut it down. However when I was younger I had a cab driver get my number from the cab company and call me repeatedly, had a

ugh i wanna be in a scottish castle r t f n