Nah, all you need to do is follow the magic that is CourtneyZ. It's quick and easy, I swear!
Nah, all you need to do is follow the magic that is CourtneyZ. It's quick and easy, I swear!
Yes! Except. Except for the other day when I sent my best friend that story Female Runner Who Uses Nike+ to Draw Dicks is an American Hero. My friend is a runner and dick aficionado; her response was "amaze-balls". In that one specific case? I can hang with it.
Anything with the word "gluten" in it, unless the person is a doctor's office setting. The word "gluten" makes my everything hurt.
I'm still waiting for people to stop using "amazeballs". It pisses me off beyond explanation.
Eye rolls.
I really wish she got a bit more credit for having intellectual curiosity.
Yes. "Multicultural."
I honestly just feel sorry for this woman, because she's lost something beautiful, but she's too limited to ever really know it.
HOLY SHIT. I legit thought it was people too lazy to pronounce the second b in babe. Fuck. Learn something new every day I guess.
He married up.
He chose a smart chick! This is a coup for all of us smart chicks.
You just reminded me: "Basic Bitch." Add it to the list. From now, I'm just going to use the terms "sorority girl" "frat boy" or "overgrown sorority girl" or "overgrown frat boy" as needed.
I understand they are not easy to pronounce - even for people who took several years of French like I did, much less to someone who doesn't speak the language, but I hate the "let me exaggerate the pronunciation of this FOREIGN word!" thing many Americans do. And not just for French words - for Spanish words, for…
Also, and this is directly the result of having a 14-year-old son, any references to Borat or "ees niiiiice" can forever vacate the lexicon. Dude, kid, you were 5 when that movie came out. Stop it!
I find it offensive too, although I'm not a lawyer and neither is my husband.
Can we also ban "amazeballs"?
He is the winner of the Hunger Games that is
You make an important but I think often overlooked point; the CURRENT physical status of the body can really dictate one's entire approach to food and exercise. And it can become self-defeating or counterproductive to health in general. Which is just completely fucked. Some body types are more socially sanctioned to…
You're absolutely right about the mixed messages us fat girls get. I try to keep the mindset of aiming towards healthier choices while not sweating it if I have something that is "bad" for me. The one thing I am big on is eating real, whole foods. If I'm having something bad for me, it's going to have real butter…