team buttersidedown

I live on the casual west coast, and still choose to dress up more than I have to, both at work and when there’s a date night. I just think it’s boring to always be dressed casually.

I guess they could just make Millenials the children of the Boomers. That seems more accurate. We’re united in understanding how much our supposedly idyllic hippie generation parents screwed up society and economy for their own kids.

Wait, I’m high school class of 1999, by that definition it makes sense that I’m a Millenial. Yet, they define it as born after 1980. Shouldn’t graduating around y2k Definition of Millenials be born between 1975-85?

I’m also 35, do too feel like we’re not Millenials, but not Gen X either? What happened to the Gen Y distinction? The ones that had the first generation of Internet but no social media as teenagers (unless you count AOL chat rooms)?

Very good point.

I disagree with equating actresses pushing for equal pay as a step that will help working women get equal pay. But, actresses speaking up addresses the misogynistic culture of the entertainment industry. That is a real problem that needs to be addressed.

I hope she has a cabin somewhere beautiful that she can retreat to and hide from the viciousness coming this fall.

Not really. The non networks have been producing better content for years.

I went to a Twins game there and it was bizarre how white the stadium was.

I really hope there’s a way to get that show without having to pay for CBS streaming.

I was talking about TV shows the other day with my parents, which just hadn’t come up in a while. They were shocked that I had never seen The Good Wife or Madam Secretary. Actually, most network shows just don’t even appear on our radar anymore. It’s bizarre that the boomers still focus on what is offered during

Your comment just confirmed that yes, Julianne’s “actual supermodels were in attendance” was shade. I wasn’t completely sure if she was dissing Hadid of the usual celebrities that attend Cannes.

Full coverage shoes are also the only option for many workplaces. I don’t understand scrappy stilettos for anyone but fashion models. You wear them going out? Ok, how do you walk around the city (assuming you don’t live the valet LA life) if you need to walk more than twenty feet?

I don’t think the country I will make it until these fuckers die off. Seriously, they’ve bled the country dry, have turned into throwback demagogues just to survive a few more elections, and have likely irretrievably destroyed the environment. Thank you fucking much boomers.

I hate the name Hunter now too, asshole.

Oh, I agree. I said women because they’re generally the only celebrities I care about. I know it’s weird, but most actors just seem generic and interchangeable to me.

That is also my fantasy! When they all stood up for him I wanted to mail it each of their addresses. I already knew Kate Winslet was a twit, and Cate Blanchett is on record as supporting Woody Allen, but Tilda Swinton standing broke my heart.

I know exactly what you mean! These are clearly people that were really great at making those cutesy banners and signs in high school for pep rallies, etc and now are thrilled to have the chance to use those skills again.

I’m still pissed about all the actresses that gave a standing ovation at the Oscars to Polanski. His rape of a 13 year old has been public knowledge for decades.

Everyone involved in the cover up needs to be exposed. Exposing the industry’s complicitness in these men’s crimes/behavior is the only way the industry culture will change.