team buttersidedown

The entire music industry, from the exploitative music executives, the colluding radio stations, the snobby and sexist music critics, to the condescending stores destroyed their own industry. Even if they didn’t miss the boat on mp3s/streaming, we were just waiting for a chance to stick it to them.

I like Katy broody because that’s when she has the best hair colors and because her break up songs are better than Tay tay’s.

I really don’t get it. It’s not like my medical school had a political agenda on the issue and I was trained differently or something, that’s just science. Now that I’ve seen it distorted all over the place, I refuse to distort it too. The gender binary pisses me off in my personal life, I won’t let it into my

Preach. Then it turns out they didn’t even register for gifts, but instead want you to contribute to crowd funding their wedding or honeymoon.

Back when defining Basic to the mainstream media was a thing, I imediately thought of people that do shit like this as my personal definition of Basic.

Doing this kind of thing during the pregnancy is just a sign that the couple will do this shit for every moment of their kids life. There are already too many cutesy “first day of school” etc shit on my Facebook feed. Cut it out people, parenting is not a competition and your kids will not thank you for sharing every

People obsess even more when the babies are born. They get so freaked out if they can’t genderize your baby by outfit/color, etc.

I read Obstetric ultrasounds for work (I’m a radiologist) and always list the fetal sex. I have had so many ultrasound techs and OB/gyns weirded out that I don’t say gender. One Ob/gyn corrected me (“you mean fetal gender, right?”) like I was being gauche. I responded with “fetuses don’t have a gender, they have

My youngest kid has been asking to be black panther for Halloween and for Black Panther toys ever since he first saw the character in a cartoon. There are only now Black Panther Legos, etc with the current movie out. I (selfishly) can’t wait until the marketing begins for this movie!

Shut up you lucky unicorn ;-).

I really want to read about the fraudulent newspapers of the 19th century. Pundits today won’t stop talking about the “divided electorate” like it’s something new, but our post-war mandated to the networks in exchange for airways nightly news was unique. Before then, It was normal to have newspapers changing the facts

The updated witch hunt.

Firstly, your handle is fantastic. Secondly, I took to always wearing padding because I was getting harassed when I had headlights. Yes, those men are disgusting and wrong, but I found padding just made my day easier.

I don’t know who Cassandra Claire is. There’s everything out there you could want. Want Harry to go dark? Tons of that. Want him to just stand up for himself more? That too. Want him to actually take studying seriously? Want him to date Hermione? That’s a huge world with very passionate people, tread carefully. Think

You just know the misogynistic publishing world counts writing fanfiction against an author, instead of seeing it as a useful experience (instant peer review!)

Yep, and think of how filthy the streets were back then. No modern sewage system.

Harry Potter is our modern day abused orphan with a heart of gold. I loved it when I found out a common thread in HP fanfiction is no, child abuse doesn’t work out like that.

Wait, but Beth didn’t die of TB. She died of heart damage done by rheumatic fever.

Note of warning to those with smaller boobs: bralettes don’t work if your nipples are prominent (might as not be wearing a bra if you choose one that thin) or if you’e older/have nursed babies.

Do they photoshop dogs? Is this a bizarre photoshop fail that messed with his eyes? Somebody check his feet.