team buttersidedown

That’s why there are so many different religious sects in this country. Episcopalian, Presbyterian, UCC, Methodist (basically the WASP churches) are completely different from Baptist (especially Southern Baptist,) the previously more outcast groups like Seventh Day Adventist, and especially the “nondenominational”

No, he believes. The hand holding thing was their attempt to make their wackadoo brand of Christianity seem familiar to the more mainstream evangelicals.

These people truly believe that they compelled by God to establish an American Christian theocracy. It’s batshit and terrifying.

An overhyped overpriced commercial product based on pseudoscience doesn’t work? I’m SHOCKED!

This has interesting implications. The Sand Snakes are supposedly running Dorne now, and the Mother of Dragons will be heading their way once she gets out of HorsePhallus land and let’s Varys/Tyrion handle her bureaucracy issues.

Cersei is also grating because she’s just so BAD at scheming.

I missed the Dorne connection, thank you.

They talking about certain characters being “mad” but Ramsay is legimately not right in the head.

Most dress shirts are probably sourced to, if not the same factory, then the same group of factories in China. That’s how the clothing manufacturing has been set up there. The company decides how much quality they want to sacrifice when they commission the shirts (and how much they want to leave the quality up to the

I got that vibe too. She might not have even loved the Targareyn, just wanted to avoid being married to Robert the Usurper asshole.

Preach. At this point, someone living is the greatest possible twist.

That’s what Daddy Bolton kept trying to tell Ramsay, but he didn’t seem to get it. He needed an heir from Sansa, but tortured her anyway. I think he’s going to try and turn Rickon into another Reek. Hopefully, Osha won’t let that happen.

Ramsay needs to be eaten by a dog or dire wolf, that infant needs to be avenged.

Wouldn’t it be great if politics in Westeros are dramatically changed by some timely assassinations carried about by Arya?

I NEED that to be true. My heart is invested in those wolfs. Also, I care about Rickon and Osha! This show is too depressing if at least some decent people don’t make it through or get revenge. I’m clinging to hopes that when Ramsay tries to turn Rickon into another Reek, Rickon won’t crack because he was raised by

Now I can't get the picture of my dog dragging her butt across the floor in a blonde wig out of my head.

Ever walked through a Kiki de Montparnesse? Vintage kink that is supremely expensive, assumes you are a very thin woman with no boobs/hips, and somehow both daring and bourgeoise? That’s what I predict.

If insurance covered hair salons, there would be less need for psychiatrists. People say yoga reduces stress, but I think nothing works as well as getting my roots done.

I posted this upthread, but I swear by the darted non-iron dress shirts at Brooks Brothers (check, though, they have a non-darted version.) Never pay full price, there will be a sale within a month or so.

Badly fitting bras has been in the pop culture lexicon for a few years now. I think Hollywood just gets lazy and does the same joke repeatedly. Kristin has been in several “girl comedies” recently, so has to repeat the same lazy “women jokes.” Heaven forbid they actually hire talented women screen writers.