I still haven’t figured out where to find work basics now that J Crew has betrayed me. I’ve gotten lucky a few places, but J Crew used to be so easy. No hunt necessary, just avoid the weird “fashion” seasonal pieces.
I still haven’t figured out where to find work basics now that J Crew has betrayed me. I’ve gotten lucky a few places, but J Crew used to be so easy. No hunt necessary, just avoid the weird “fashion” seasonal pieces.
I prefer the even more preppy Brooks Brothers non-iron button downs. They wash well, last a long time, and you can always find them on sale. Oh, and they come in two or three different cuts, so fit different body types.
So, is Kris going to have Tyga poisoned?
I have high hopes that the turnout amongst Latino voters is going to be epic high this November, and the entire GOP will see what they’ve done by pandering to racists for decades. Even the idiot out of touch political “experts” will have to acknowledge that they lost the election by alienating an entire group of…
Nope, I still shudder thinking of the shredded carrot, mayonnaise, and raisin “salad” my mom used to feed us. And we lived in California, not the Midwest.
Except when a social science study confirms what we really want to be true, then it’s totally science.
I find it refreshing that the homophobia was pointed out to him, and he actually thought about it instead of becoming defensive.
The only worthy part is in the beginning when Emma Watson points out to the whiny guy that he’s a hipster. Actually, all the Emma Watson parts are funny.
Even worse, the critics at the time praised Mickey Rooney’s performance, calling it one of the best of his career.
I think having Audrey Hepburn on your Pinterest board is an automatic qualifier as Basic Bitch. I would like to say having a Pinterest board in general is a qualifier, but I figure there must be interesting people with Pinterest boards somewhere.
Exactly, this is their chance to harass anyone that doesn’t conform to the gender binary. Damn muggles.
There was a time we would be pointing out her obviously fake teeth as evidence of past drug abuse, but now everyone in Hollywood has rehabilitated meth head teeth.
That's pretty much the answer. Foreign tissue is rejected, and skin is not just an organ, but one intricately linked to the immune system.
My 8 year old son has such a serious angry face, and he had it even as a baby. I love it, and he’s a very thoughtful kid. But, I had to pull him from a preschool because one of the teachers was always yelling at him and constantly told me how “negative” he was. Lady, some kids just aren’t smiley gigglers. That’s ok.
Ok, we all know this little girl probably just has a serious face combined with understandably not wanting to be tired, hungry, and surrounded by strangers shoving cameras in her face. But, man do these two little girls and their mom make a sad photo op. The way they both hold on to Heidi’s hands so tightly, like they…
A widely held fan belief is that Jon Snow is not Ned Stark’s bastard, but is instead his nephew. Jon Snow is the son of his supposedly kidnapped sister who died “in a bed of blood” (from childbirth?) and the Targaryen that kidnapped or possibly eloped with her.
Thanks for the great links in the article. Cubans do look “cool as hell” despite the politics and economics surrounding them, and we are going to be overwhelmed with articles fetishing “new Cuba.”
I’m going to pretend it was you too. Go You!!! (Seriously, that’s an awesome thing to do.)
The “however” was more directed to the commenters. I don’t think we should just look for a new word, since it still has meaning.
However, part of the focus on “survivor” by rape counsellors is to help the victims get beyond their guilt that they should have somehow stopped their rape. The dialogue is centered around, “you did exactly what you were supposed to, you survived.” It focuses on while the person was raped, they have survived. The word…