team buttersidedown

So, a Jack the Ripper scholar can correct me, but it’s sure puts his crimes into perspective. He killed prostitutes and cut our their uteri, at a time when sexualizing women’s organs was mainstream. Huh, not the outlier at all, was he?

I like her, and would probably watch this. But, it’s on VH1. Is VH1 even available to cord cutters? Looks like it’s going to be YouTube, like my beloved Samantha Bee.

At this point, if he’s not Jon Targaryen I’m going to be pissed. It’s just too perfect. They’e even doing a flashback of his mom to remind us of that plotline.

The other women residents in my program were confused for each other all the time. It was hilarious when one of us would make a great diagnosis or something else badass, but also happened every time we made a mistake. “Heard you had an eventful call weekend” “Umm, I wasn’t on call last weekend.” The old fart docs

Yes, track and field was always great that way. I just wish I was able to wear the running shorts instead of the running panties given to the girls.

Mandatory service for all, with benefits (college, etc) if you choose the military option. Think of the community work we could accomplish with this system. Including the arts.

And bring back the works project for artists and artisans. Give 2-4 years painting beautiful murals, making sculptures, carving edifices.

We just have to keep reporting them until there’s enough pressure to fix it. Colleges won’t change anything until their Alumni complain an until applications drop off.

I miss basketball with short shorts, and don’t forget how sexy swim trunks once were before they were “board shorts.”

This is how social change will come about in our current society. The internet is making it possible for events like this to be made public, and making it so colleges/companies/governments are unable to cover up corruption.

Well, damn it. That makes it worse.

I’m having that realization too. They actually think women voters are that dumb. It’s depressing.

I know she was a substitute and this is a private school, but just want to point out bullshit like this is why teacher tenure exists. Teachers were getting fired for this kind of “but what about the children” bullshit all the time.

My boys yell “I hurt my Penis!!!” It’s hilarious to see how horrified the other parents are.

The Target/IKEA accessories in general. All those mirrors/trays/boxes cost $$$ everywhere else and look the same.

Just because Europe doesn’t talk about doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Once waited in a Paris taxi line for 30 minutes because the taxis wouldn’t pick up the black kids at the front of the line, and the other Parisians in line were yelling at the kids (not the drivers.)

You’re 100% right, but overhead lighting comes with the house and lamps are so fucking expensive. All my lamps are from Ikea or Target, but I still don’t have enough.

Ideally it should have been done in phase 1 (the hints of Bucky would have been coy at that time) and would have given her more character development for phase 2 and 3.

It does bring up the geek debate of how Marvel should have handled a racist premise (white guy gets mystical knowledge from some Asian dude) in a responsible way. Better to make her “celtic,” to cast an Asian actor to play Dr. Strange, or to change the backstory and come up with a different source of Dr. Strange’s

Mandatory copies of Our Bodies, Our Selves in every school!