The Mark Hamill hair has never looked so good as in that picture. I can’t stop looking at it.
The Mark Hamill hair has never looked so good as in that picture. I can’t stop looking at it.
I had a mini version of my mom’s jazzercise outfit to dance around in when she got home from her class.
I watch her in a series of clips on YouTube, it’s sad.
Yeah, you’re right. Totally agree on the closeted fruit beer enjoying. Gentlemen, it’s ok. They’re wonderful and in 2016 you can admit that.
So, ten years ago they had a ton of shuttles to the Harlem Fairway. We used to take one that ran on Saturday morning from Washington Heights (Haven Ave and 190th). They would pick you up in the Fairway parking lot an hour later. Hubby and I had a system to get all our shopping done during that time.
The Fairway shuttle is amazing. Sleeping in during grad school and missing the Fairway shuttle was the worst back then.
In my experience, as a white feminist, they truly don’t understand priviledge. They haven’t sat and listened and examined themselves yet to realize that they are wrong, and that it’s ok to be wrong if you try to listen and do something to fix it. They’re too busy getting defensive.
So many homeless LGBT youths that have been kicked out by their family have to do this to survive, it’s heartbreaking.
My experience is that women in general prefer the stout/porters and an guys go for the hoppy IPAs. Women seem to also prefer smoky whiskey and scotch and guys bourbon.
I only all white men were as hot as Christopher Reeves (the only true Superman.)
I agree that the bride was probably thrilled. We’re talking about a grown woman that declares her “best friend” is Taylor Swift, dropping that phrase like she’s 12. Major side eye to both of them.
That is exactly what a good physician would do, it’s what I was trained to do in medical school when dealing with teenagers. Not all physicians agree, though, and too many follow their personal morals/religion in their practice.
But fanny packs are “in” again.
And that’s a shit apology. Doesn’t know how big of a deal voting does? I have no words to express how much that frustrates me.
Or that most of his wins come from caucuses, with ridiculously low voter turn-out.
Perfect description, that’s exactly what it looks like. And Nina would eye roll that outfit so hard.
Having done medical training in New York City, rural upstate New York, and Midwest, and now practicing on the West Coast, this is not surprising. The more rural areas have consistently higher rates of obesity, less mild to moderate exercise (less walking), and higher rates of drug abuse.
The cities with a smaller lifespan gap also have lower rates of obesity and some (excepting Los Angeles) with more walking. The flyover states and the south have much higher rates of obesity.
This deserves more stars, thank you for summing up the awesomeness of her character so well.
But wear sunscreen!