team buttersidedown

Pink has some great running playlist songs. Also, The Last Internationale.

Does anyone else think Miley was a great guest coach on The Voice? Does anyone else admit to watching The Voice? ‘Cause I love it.

Definitely likely other life forms in the universe, but believing in alien abductions is a different subject.

Yes! How could I forget the z? Clearly I didn’t read enough zines in my youth.

I’m so sad that they’re not saying “liberal H8ters.” Don’t they see the missed opportunity?

I really wanted that Givenchy lipstick set, it broke my heart when it turns out they only had like 2 available. For the entire country.

The 1,000 points rewards are mythical. They had this huge event that had us all excited with a ton of rewards, some worth 5k and 10k points. Turns out, they had only a handful of each reward, even the 1k rewards. Their website didn’t go live with the rewards when they said it would, then it crashed, then only like 20

After the special rewards fiasco at Sephora, I just gave up on them. Why do I have all those points if I can never get anything I want with them? I actually started buying my products at Nordstrom (I’m on the west coast.) If you have their credit card, you get cash back.

The voters that will frequently swing the election, the ones that voted for Obama but also for both George W and Reagan. Those that are clearly supporters of one party or another won’t have their minds changed by any of this.

I want Obama nominated too, but I think he has big plans for his foundation.

This guy is so unoffensive and moderate, he would normally be a gift nominee from any Democratic president to the Republicans. Obama gave them a nominee that makes the Republicans look even more unreasonable than usual to refuse. Judging from my “moderate” and “independent" family members and coworkers, it is pissing

I saw that post! I thought you made a great, fair minded, point. Sorry that commenters can be assholes.

My Goddess, the original image is sexy as hell. Whoever did the photoshop is an idiot.

This is a beautiful story.

It’s an incredibly light sentence, and yet my first thought was to feel slightly happy that at least he was convicted. And that’s so sad.

I like Blue Trump. He makes so much more sense when he’s Andorian.

Honestly? I don’t feel too bad for them. True, most of them didn’t vote for these pricks, but they also probably didn’t vote at all. This is why local elections matter.

I disagree. Her point is that they’ve taken a normal sized woman and labeled he plus size, not that she object to being labeled plus size if she were plus size. She’s referring to the fashion industries skewed view of size in general.

Damn it Stacy! You’re just needy enough that I can’t “unfollow” you because you get huffy if I don’t like your dog photos, and you work in my office so I can’t just cut your Basic Faux-Liberal Racist Ass off.

I love Athleta.