team buttersidedown

Thank you!

So. Many. Chokers.

Actually, this is a tactic that will help their union, which is currently negotiating. They are working with their negotiators.

Absolutely. Why can’t they combine the rash guard and the suit bottom? Also perfect when you’re mommy at the local pool and want to look good without being that mom.

There is absolutely no reason why a teenager shouldn’t use tampons. In fact, it's cruel to not let her. Remember PE people?

That is a beautiful friendship pact.

Right?! Who needs a Justice League ship when you can have a Marvel ship?

My eldest kid went through a phase when he was about 18 months when he would only fall asleep to Muse.

The Lego Movie is fabulous!

I have never understood why babies and kids can't listen to adult music. My youngest would always fall asleep happily if I played Lady Gaga.

The more the Right’s anti-LGBTQ hysteria continues, the more I think the root of their panic is that gay marriage changes the gender binary. Any kind of LGBTQ equality, especially acknowledging that transgender is valid and you know, real, challenges the conservative idea of “acceptable” gender roles. It helps explain

What if your greatest insecurity is your inability to make friends? Can I practice befriending my insecurity in order to develop skills to befriend an imperfect friend?

Honest question: The women pictured in the articles on this topic are beautiful. Can they not find a better gig that’s also safer? Wouldn’t a strip club be better? Or, do the New York clubs treat their workers terribly and the relative danger of walking the streets preferable? I’m just curious about the reality for

My stay at home husband has serious issues with your assumption. As do our kids.

Yes! I did my internship in upstate New York not long after she won her Senate race, and even the conservatives were gushing about what it was like to meet her. Apparently, she visited nearly every small town in upstate New York during her campaign and just won over everyone.

I’ve always had a history crush on Elizabeth Blackwell, the first American woman Doctor.

If you go to a women’s college or one of the surrounding colleges, then probably :-).

News from from alma mater has certainly been filled with protests, and it’s about time. The underlying classism/racism was palpable when I went there, particularly because the surrounding area was working class and predominantly Latino. Just creating dialogue about it and acknowledging it is progress, because 15 years

It is quite expensive. If her GPA/test scores are good, don’t forget about merit scholarships. I’m not sure how many they offer now, but Scripps offered me a great one. I’m sure other schools have them too, since it helps them play the statistics/admissions game. You have to apply early, but it’s not “early admission”

Scripps College in Claremont, California. Women’s college that’s part of a consortium of surrounding co-Ed colleges.