team buttersidedown

I protest, the butt shot needs to be included in this sequence. Always.

Did anyone else see Josh Douchebag Brolin try to hit on Kate McKinnon when she was on Fallon recently? Creepy.

My parents are both sitting pretty with pensions, so it’s not that. In their defense, they’re reacting to the religious right taking over the party. Many western conservatives have left the Republican Party for the same reason. The free-range small government old school conservatives of the west used to think that

A huge difference for the Governorator was that the power of the teachers and nurses unions in California prevented him from passing many of his policies. In fact, he initially became more right wing when he was first elected, because he tried to end teachers pensions (which was not part of his campaign.) The unions

My parents really liked this guy. They voted for Reagan, too, though they hated what he did when he was governor of California. Both of them have become more liberal as they get older, which is kind of awesome. My mom really feels the Bern, and her second wave feminism is confused that I support Hillary.

There was an earlier article about his so-called business success. If he had taken the inheritance from his father and put it in a simple Vanguard account, the kind most middle class Americans use to invest for retirement, he would have more money than he does now. But, he wouldn’t have his name on several buildings

Wow, even the line about soft lips was stolen by Katy.

I had a skirt in the early 2000s that was basically a plaid wool blanket turned into a skirt. It had an asymmetric hemline which just emphasized the blanketness. I got a bunch of snobby looks when I wore it at college, and ended up donating it because I was stupid and timid. Now, I want that blanket skirt so badly.

I get what you’re saying, and agree.

Now I feel less guilty for being lazy and not taking my kids to the Seattle Acquarium today like we had planned.

I know this is a protest bill, and a fantastic one, but I had an Ob/gyn lecturer in med school that hated Viagra. She had a bunch of older patients coming in upset because their husbands suddenly wanted to have sex again, not realizing that their wife’s vagina hadn’t been touched in years and had atrophied.

It happens to us all. I keep humming Gwen Stefani’s new song. If that doesn't make me a boring 30 something white girl, then I don't know what does.

Many of us are grey everywhere, and just follow and comment from the greys, even after more than a year. I don’t think they’re interested in pulling us out.

I agree!

Definitely. I also love her style. She’s kept to her Look but updated it enough over the years that she doesn’t seem stale.

Very interesting. Any time I’ve seen a woman celebrity in person I’m amazed at how thin they look. Katie Holmes had something similar happening.

I love this story.

Your mom needs to stop drinking the Nancy Reagan Kool-Aid. Those super skinny legs look terrible.

But the skinny little legs look terrible! The legs are what remind me how thin each of these women is in person. The women known for gorgeous legs are never that thin.

Thank you, but why do her fillers/Botox look so much better than most of the aging women we see who look worse than if they did nothing? Has Demi simply had less done than them? Is her doctor somehow better? Luck?