team buttersidedown

Jezebel commenters continuously impress me with their ability to pinpoint exactly what work people have had done to their face. So ladies, we all know Demi Moore had quite a bit done a few years ago, but unlike her peers, her face post-work has “aged” beautifully. What exactly did she do, still do? How were her

Oh, thank goodness.

Very true. Anything that gets guys to stop freaking out about about their butts and the slight suggestion of buttplay.

That’s what I thought. It would be refreshing to have a mainstream movie with a protoganist that was omnisexual.

Wait, so is Deadpool straight in this movie? I thought part of what made Deadpool so awesome was that he was openly bisexual. Is that not true? I wasn’t into comic books as a teenager, but the geeky boys I hung out with were and he was loved partly for that reason.

That...would have been the greatest Roller Derby name of all time.

I agree, probably a misunderstanding (which I probably caused—I’m awkward like that.) Thanks, and I will specify in the future.

She was of Indian descent, from California. She was genuinely offended when I asked if she was a member of the Asian students association, and I felt horrible. She stated that India is its own subcontinent, but I haven't encountered a similar statement since. Just wanted to check with you when you mentioned it.

I really wish someone within the industry (who has their home addresses) will mail the full Polanski indictment transcription. Screw that, mail it to every single Academy member that gave him a standing ovation at the Oscars.

Thank you! I thought they were Asian, but was chewed out for it. I guess it’s good to be vindicated a decade later, but mostly I’m just glad to not make a similar mistake in the future.

I was once very embarrassed when I made the mistake in college of thinking Indians were South Asian or Asian. I’ve since been too shy to ask. Do Indians consider themselves Asian? If not, then what is more accurate? Honestly, just using relative intern anymonity to ask. Don’t want to insult anyone again.

Better, because the tops are more form fitting!

Check out the Ibex/Icebreaker base layers! They’re wool, not silk, but amazing and actually manage to look sexy. Not itchy, too.

My little Liam approves! When he was a silly baby we used to call him Little Ham. Now, he’s a super serious 2nd grader and has no idea how much he resembles Liam Neeson’s serious look.

I love your screen name.

I was coming here to say that. I googled her when she performed in the London Olympics pre and post shows, and discovered that about her. Also, I guess she was about to blow up years ago, but had a major illness of some kind. She’s currently trying to come back as a performer. I think her success as a song writer

I can afford to buy it, but I’m torn between my desire to pressure TBS to work with Hulu or something similar and my desire to support Samantha Bee. Pretty sure supporting Samantha Bee will win that battle.

Only if you have a cable provider, alas.

Thanks, trying to work around another monthly subscription. I’ll probably just watch her on you tube until TBS gets with the times and finds a solution for cord-cutters.

Thank you!