team buttersidedown

I’m torn between excited desire to use this app and find out that there are actually people out there I could be matched with, and complete dread because I know that either: 1.) there won’t be any matches, or 2.) we’d meet once and never again.

I choose to think that Aphrodite wouldn’t give a polite “holy shit” but something a bit more badass. If there is anyone that doesn’t need to bother with being demure...

Beats One premiered Work, and then played Rhiannon for at least half an hour this evening. It was fantastic.

I agree, their anti-science bullshit is a perfect expression of their priviledged lives. Of course they don’t believe in western medicine, they haven’t experienced life without it.

Need to share my rage for anti-vaccers. On the Washington State island where I live, there was recently a news story about a 12 year old girl who died of complications of the flu. She didn’t get the flu vaccine, but that wasn’t part of the story. Somehow, the asshole anti-vaccers that live here turned this tragedy

That’s F-in fantastic.

You’re right.

He could be bisexual. Depends which fic you read. ;-). I always thought Ginny was obnoxious, but that’s just me.

Or blowing Dean Thomas...What, didn’t fanfiction decide their relationship was canon?

But it’s more fun to imagine Michigan state secrets.

Redacted information is for classified, state-secret national security information. Who the hell does the governor of Michigan think he is to justify this, M? Would the Michigan James Bond drive a Camaro?

Aah, no reason to insult the Spice Girls.

It really speaks to exactly how creepy Ted Cruz is, he makes us root for Trump.

“If something is more fun to photograph than experience, it’s bullshit.” This is how I felt about the high school and college woohoo girl events I had to endure. Why are we all standing around taking photos when we could be having fun? Why do we have to spend forever getting dressed up just to take photos and pretend

What a fantastic example of how something small and concrete, like a piece of paper, can make history seem so very real. Hell, how a single image can make current events seem more real (thinking of the little 3 year old body washed up on a Turkish shore last summer.) I still tear up when I think of his little red

My husband finds it insulting. He gets so much praise when he’s at the grocery store with our kids in the cart, like he deserves a medal for running errands while managing two squabbling boys. He’s like “They realize I’m the father, right? This is what Dads do.”

Santa Fe Grill! Had a burrito there once on a RV trip, and have never forgotten that deliciousness.

What you’re describing is one of the main reasons why I can’t read Mommy Blogs. Praising men for doing the basic duties of parenting is exhausting and degrading. If we don’t stop praising them for doing the minimum, how will they ever realize what’s required to be a functioning adult?

Well, please keep commenting despite the nonsense. I love your comments, and sure many others do as well.

Alternatively, should the goal be for everyone to “pass”? Isn’t it better for everyone (men, women, gay/straight, trans and cis gendered) if it was easy and safe to not conform to the gender binary?