team buttersidedown

She actually changed the idea that hairless pubs is sexy with her first book. All she did was point out that pubic hair has a purpose, and maybe even if you wax it now you’ll want hair there when you get older (so don’t laser it off.) Now buzzfeed has lists on all the reasons pubic hair is a good thing (supposedly you

He was also Deker, the former Samurai turned into a bad guy doomed to always search for the “perfect epic battle” in Power Rangers Samurai.

Beautifully said.

The JCrew catalogue paired a tie with jeans and a blazer recently, and I was Pissed! Mr. Buttersidedown was like “See, they like it!”

The period/vintage movies always win for costumes and make-up, but I really hope Mad Max gets it this year. They did so much more than just make it look post-apocalyptic/dirty.

Bainbridge Island, WA has a memorial/museum commemorating the families that lost their farms. Also heard an old hotel being renovated in Seattle is going to display the luggage, etc of the families that left their things to be stored there before being forcibly moved, but never came back for them. I guess that’s a

Fabulous sun hats! Also, places where it rains.

I love wearing classic hats on rainy days, especially for between the car and my office! They also look great on those lightly misting days when I’m running errands in town (I live in the Seattle area.) I don’t care how MRAs wear them, fedoras can work on women when it’s raining. And cloche hats, of course.

Wow, different strokes, I guess. I think he’s funnier than any of the other shows. His humor is very dry.

Now I can’t unsee it, the resemblance is strong.

I’m pretty sure watching so much TCM as a kid is partly why I have a bit of a leg fetish and spend too much of my clothing budget on stay-ups and stockings.

I am not a royalist, but that trailer had me riveted. If the series lives up to the trailer, it should be a fascinating look at how much culture and marriage changed during the 20th century. Damn, Netflix.

You consistently make thoughtful comments. Stars to you.

How about “Just a little light reading” with a picture of Hogwarts, A History.

I want that. Some people are introverts. Going out isn’t fun for us.

The princess taking all the photos herself is the perfect and most logical extension of all priviledged white girls taking photography in college. Isn’t it a required educated white girl skill to be able to take semi-artsy photos?

Damn it, nut jobs. Stop making me feel sympathetic for Bristol Palin.

The real improvement for models will come when underage models are protected by the same laws that protect underage actors—chaperones, tutors, and placement of their earnings into protected savings.

This is an aside, but Don Cheadle as Miles Davis should be fantastic.

You are so right. This insidious blandness takes away the concept of a woman being beautiful because of who she is and instead simply on how much she fits into a mold. It’s depressing and boring.