Ok, now to see where I can try one on in Seattle. I heard net-a-Porter has a great returns policy, so maybe just buy online.
Ok, now to see where I can try one on in Seattle. I heard net-a-Porter has a great returns policy, so maybe just buy online.
I think I must. I also just realized that she gave up practicing medicine to be a stay at home mom, not because she wants to but because her husband insists on working in a location that doesn’t have any positions open for her specialty. It’s both frustrating and sad.
A good friend of mine from residency, whom I had previously respected, just posted something pro-Carson on Facebook. I’m devastated. How does this happen?
I WILL own one of her gorgeous dresses for work one day, I will make it happen.
I’m reading Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution by David Carter. It was a recommendation of a Jezebel commentator (I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten who) and I want to say Thank You! It’s fantastic.
There’s a freedom to being grey. If you mess up and engage a troll, it doesn’t pull them from the greys.
Many Death with Dignity activitsts would disagree with this statement. (Not that his suicide was about Death with Dignity, more like Death with Cowardice.)
I thought she was doing a big sister dig at Fallon, because it seemed obvious that her basic polite behavior was no where near as hypocritical as Fallon falling over himself to get Trump on his show for ratings.
Socks in the 80s were their own fashion category. Remember “scrunching” them down? Layering multiple colors? I never saw someone wear leg warmers in real life, but those socks. Where I lived, they were worn well into the early 90s.
Palm Springs.
I use Siri to send my texts, at least when i’m driving. Is Siri insincere? I can't believe I trusted that bitch.
I think Jaden believes his comment is shade, but I motion that anything from Jaden Smith should be automatically disqualified. Ruling, Judge Brown?
In messed-up Hollywood speak, Pitch Perfect is considered diverse because it’s target audience is women. That’s not Kara’s distinction, but how Hollywood views it. Anything that won’t appeal to young white men is a “niche” project. But yes, Pitch Perfect is very white.
The first outlet mall in my area had an Esprit outlet, and it was back when they were real outlets with good prices. I wore those outfits to death, and thought I was so chic. Remember the leggings with stirrups?
Why do people dislike that movie? What’s not to like? Belushi, Akroyd, Candy, that dude from Animal House, dance choreography, army humor?
I love both of those movies! My kids really like Cars 2.
Jupiter Ascending broke my heart a little. It’s so beautifully made, has such an interesting concept, and then the story line just kind of stopped....I’m still torn up about it.
The argument that affirmative action harms non-white students because it “allows” them to enter a school for which their high school didn’t prepare them has been trotted out for years, and is often used by people to claim that affirmative action is a racist policy. That’s obviously bullshit and overly simplistic.
The unpaid internship system not only works for students wealthy enough to use their summers getting “experience” without worrying about earning money, but also allows parents and ivy alumni use connections to set up those internships. It’s absolutely elitism.
A Gawker staffer the regularly trolls Jezebel? That’s the best evidence of Gawker’s dismissive negligence of Jezebel I’ve ever heard.