Thank you for explaining. It’s a reference I’ve seen a few times and I was confused.
Thank you for explaining. It’s a reference I’ve seen a few times and I was confused.
It’s the same in medicine. You also have to walk the fine line between looking “stylish” and professional without coming across as too fashion forward, because then you aren’t taken seriously. Sometimes I wish I had gone into primary care where I could wear scrub shoes and a white coat every day.
The head of Pantone was just featured in our local paper because she lives in the area. Perhaps not surprisingly, she seems like a delightful older lady that simply loves color.
I switched to the pill, and my saggy post-baby boobs are full again!!!!! My colleague recently shared how she tries to get her patients off of hormonal birth control just in case there are future undiscovered side effects, and I was like Nope! I’ll keep my boobs, thanks.
When you’re in Gamla Stan (the medieveal section of Stockholm, all tourists go there) stop and have a cup of hot white chocolate, preferably with a slice of orange floating on top. Heaven.
Get a diaper genie and a great breast pump (the ones that come with their own bag and a little cooler to hold the bottles are worth it, trust me.) That is, assuming you will breast feed and go back to work. Otherwsie, you don’t need that either. Oh, and footed onesies with zippers, not buttons. You don’t want to deal…
For someone who claims to hate Twilight, she sure adopted her character’s trademark, didn’t she?
I’ved loved Athleta since before Gap bought them. They’ve become even greater lately. Now that I live in the Pacific Northwest, I find myself needing more sporty athletic wear (because it’s cold and damp here, and why not take advantage of the local “mom uniform” being so comfy.) North Face, Patagonia, etc. women’s…
Or is the true Hydra still out there, and all these attacks are really the Winter Soldier?
Loma Linda is a great medical center with a respected medical school.
Also, there have been anecdotes for years (sorry, don’t have links) that Hillary Clinton is actually likable in personal situations. She supposedly did a great job connecting with other world leaders as Secretary of State and at small campaign events when she was running for Senator. She also worked well with several…
Well, shit. How close, exactly?
You even think we’ll living in the Harry Potter universe the way the Right keeps changing facts to suit their preferred reality? Fox News should just call themselves the Daily Prophet.
I grew up there. Dang it, people.
Actually, I think using “terrorism” is a good idea. This is domestic terrorism, and it needs to be correctly labeled so the gun nuts know what they created.
As a massive nerd that spent her childhood and adolescence obsessed with Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, et al, I will say that Star Wars was a bit of a boy thing...
I agree, one of those “outlet” Brooks Brothers line pants turned into the PERFECT black pants I’ve always been looking for. Fit beautifully, made out of quality wool, and great for work or date night.
Kate Spade suits those needs perfectly. I use one for the office too (but it’s big enough to hold my ipad and water bottle.) Kate Spade is trite and expensive, yes, but it’s polished, stylish, and communicates that you’re trying to look professional without dropping money on a designer bag (it’s not Prada.) It’s a…
My workplace is freezing, 3/4 and long sleeves are my jam. Sometimes I don’t want to pull an outfit together, dresses are just easier.
Well stated.