Nope, and I heard/read somewhere (NPR?) a food safety expert stating that means it’s probably in a produce product, since there are better safety measures and testing in place for meats than produce.
Nope, and I heard/read somewhere (NPR?) a food safety expert stating that means it’s probably in a produce product, since there are better safety measures and testing in place for meats than produce.
It terrifies me that this family has been on the air for years and there haven’t been mass protests/calls for boycotts. Our culture has a television show of little girls being indoctrinated to become ignorant slaves and it was celebrated as “family values?” A cult’s abusive practices have been aired on television for…
As the Republican party drifts into fascist economic royalism (thanks FDR, that’s a very accurate term) I truly hope the Democratic party looks at Bernie Sander’s success and realizes that they can stop being afraid of progressive labels. I also hope more Americans will listen to the radical right rhetoric and be…
It was my understanding that the Scandinavian “third way” is democratic socialism. Wouldn’t you describe Sweden’s system of capitalism tempered by a strong social safety net and progressive taxation as Democratic Socialism?
As you can probably tell from these comments and others, everything you’ve written for Jezebel has been appreciated. You’re loved.
I think he very poorly tried to address the fact that most music playlists and listening services seem to be focused on men. I am not hip enough to “find music” well on my own, so was often trying to discover the music suggested on Spotify and before that Pandora. It was usually pop drivel or whiny-men indie bands. To…
Exactly! I didn’t express myself well. She stepped on her petticoat or whatever it’s called these days while trying to walk up steps without picking up the front of her skirt. I mentioned it once before, but I figured out how deadly those dresses are when I wore my wedding dress (I was in my early 20s, and the dress…
This needs to be the lead comment. Perfect comment is perfect.
Or sea, or air...
As someone who is shy but reacts to social situations by hyper speaking, I can say that you just become more aware of yourself doing it when you get older. I make an active effort to not do it when I get nervous, which is easier to do with age and experience.
Not just the tightness/length of that Oscar dress, but you know that thing had some underlying construction. The video looks like she did a little trip on the underslip of her skirt while walking upstairs in heels, which is very easy to do when you’re effectively wearing a petticoat. It became graceful when she just…
I recently heard the idea that Obama could nominate himself for the supreme court, leaving Biden in office for the last month or so. This would also give Biden a chance to pardon a bunch of people that Obama doesn’t want to for various reasons. I know there are a ton of holes in this idea, but I was interested to hear…
Me too! For some reason, Milihelen ungreyed me and it was beautiful.
Anne Hathaway’s brand of try-hard makes every awkward girl see her as a kindred spirit. She means so well, and just doesn’t understand why it isn’t working. Don’t we all, Anne, don’t we all.
The one time I wore a dress even remotely like those red carpet dresses, my wedding, I was shocked how hard it was to just walk. And I was wearing Keds. I think she just needs to practice wearing heels/huge gowns.
I love Iman’s look. She picked the very best of 90s fashion, as only an icon can. She needs to go through and wear the great looks of every time period, just to establish what was fabulous.
I have an old ob/gyn textbook from the 1940s that my medical school library was giving away, and the pictures are horrific/hilarious. The tools they use to use routinely blow my mind. The best part is the instructions against all exercise during pregnancy, and the “fact” that wading into the ocean during pregnancy…
I also live right next to Bremerton! The people that work in my department are getting really upset about this (mostly on the side of the coach.) You’re correct, it’s a terrible story and terrible for the school district.
It’s wrong to use a picture of such a chic suitcase for this story.
Wow, someone is auditioning to be the newest “minority” talking head on Fox News. Not sure which is worse, if he truly believes what he is saying or if this is calculated to get a high paying gig.