Just sign up for a google voice number, it will ring both you and your partner’s cell phone if the school calls.
Just sign up for a google voice number, it will ring both you and your partner’s cell phone if the school calls.
After Rove’s onscreen breakdown when Obama won reelection, it was apparent that the conservatives have fallen into the Fox News trap and actually think the views expressed on their network reflect the American majority. Now, watching these candidates, it seems that is still true. They truly don’t get how they look to…
I carry my Louboutins in my purse and only put them on when I get to my desk at work. They’re worn on carpet only, damn it!
Sure, you can barely walk, but you will hobble fantastically. Those are amazing.
Thanks, I missed the info about the parental involvement.
We haven’t had a problem. The school and each teacher always has us fill out our contact info separately, since we want both our email addresses included. But, it’s common for women to keep their name in this region.
We gave the kids my name as their middle name. It’s not ideal, but is working well so far. Every once in a while we wish we had combined our names. In fact, our family Apple ID is a combination of our last names. It’s kind of awesome.
My experience in medicine is that it is odd for women physicians to change their name. However, that was less true when I trained in the Midwest. Perhaps it’s still only professional women on the coasts that are commonly keeping their names.
I believe you. My point was in response to the author’s.
Does anyone else remember the really great dance performances with fantastic choreography they used to do for each best picture nomination back in the 80s? That was interesting, as least to little kid me. I love modern dance, and pretty sure those Oscars are why.
In preschool I remember it being a thing for the other girls to randomly touch and play with each other’s hair during circle time. I was a little weirded out about it then, and that was preschool.
If anyone knows more about the culture of these two schools, please chime in. But, I find it interesting that two schools that are considered some of the most academically prestigious in the LA area ignored student complaints. The parents of these children are many of the powerbrokers in the entertainment industry. If…
A point that also needs to be stated is that while domestic violence may be a women’s health issue, it is also a men’s issue. Just like the rape culture, until men speak up about it and stigmatize the men who perpetuate it through actions/attitutes/”jokes” then domestic and sexual violence will continue. Until it is…
And Asian men aren’t perceived as masculine by our mesed up society. There was a Star Trek Voyager episode that had the character Ensign Kim with an onscreen kiss with some alien. It was considered ground breaking to have an Asian actor in a romantic storyline. WTF?
Also, having a special time out chair gives the kids the attention they want for acting out. Now, they get to sit in the special colorful chair!
I was told when I was pregnant with a boy “A daughter is a daughter for life, a son is a son until he takes a wife.” I was a hormonal pregnant and tired intern and got tears in my eyes because just heard at first that my son would stop loving me. Then, I realized exactly how sexist it was and started raging. I love…
This is so true. Also, the price point of “acceptable” women’s clothes is so much higher than the equivalent for men.
They just assumed American girls had constant casual sex. My host family not quite as much because their kid studied in the U.S., but in general. The other women American students and I got this quite a bit. We just explained that the Friends characters and other American shows aren’t very realistic (at least not with…
Yeah, when I studied abroad there I definitely noticed a few consequences of their homogeneity. They also assumed I would have the sex life of a character on Friends. We cleared up a few things pretty quickly.