And not acknowledging/teaching a place’s history is the worst. This is why bobobyn’s revisionism is so disturbing, and why we are so upset at the latest attempts to revise American history textbooks.
And not acknowledging/teaching a place’s history is the worst. This is why bobobyn’s revisionism is so disturbing, and why we are so upset at the latest attempts to revise American history textbooks.
So, are you glossing over colonialism, then?
Besides, with the exception perhaps of older couples, weddings aren’t about the couple. They’re mostly about the couple’s parents. This is their chance to celebrate their kids reaching a certain milestone, and most wedding traditions are more about the parent’s social status than they are about the couple’s future…
Sorry to go off on it, but i’m so happy with their toys (and the huge rolls of art paper!) that I feel like I have to spread the word.
A law was actually passed that ensured the first born child (the crown princess) would inherit instead of Carl Phillip when he was born. This was forever ago, long before the British did the same. Sweden rocks.
And brunettes are considered “exotic” and sexy, at least that’s what my Swedish host family told me.
But, the IKEA toys are a great deal. Best price on a play kitchen (that’s gender neutral!) anywhere. Their stuffed animals are machine washable too, I recommend.
I have hope that one day we will be so savvy at using social media/technology for political movements and social change that we will look back at this time and shake our heads.
Thank you! My effectiveness as a badass is decreased by my own self-doubts, and I’m working on not doing that to myself.
I stated this elsewhere, but I love her line about being tired of figuring out how to express her opinions in an adorable way. I am so tired about making sure I—a partner in a busy muti-specialty practice, a member of the board of directors, and running a busy department—am likeable. Fuck that. I’m not likeable. I’m…
Would it be more helpful in the long term to have quality breast pumping facilities and/or private spaces available?
That’s what also bothered me. There was that one comment about her husband ignoring the baby’s cries, but that was it. Why are we still giving men a free pass at childcare? Introduce a bottle and pump a few bags, it gives your husband the chance to be a father and frees you from the wrap.
He was an amazing Phantom when I was a kid.
It’s actually pretty amazing. Not too long ago, an attractive woman would never be taken seriously enough to be given the chance to demonstrate her wit. Now we have Jessica Williams and Oliva Munn.
I love the dudefight series. It’s a fun way to point out how ridiculous it is to consider women too hysterical to be taken seriously. If “dudefight” can work it’s way into mainstream lexicon, you will be legend.
I just find this hard to believe. There are so many incredibly liberal churches. Join your local United Church of Christ.
Absolutely, lobular carcinoma is notorious for not showing up on mammogram.
That was also my favorite line from Jennifer Lawrence’s essay, Emma Watson. It needs to be a plaque on my wall.
While your physicians will be more likely to work-up a finding given your history, breast MRI is fantastic at picking up recurrent disease, which is more likely to invade the chest wall. That’s something MRI does very well, so hopefully a little comforting?
You’re so right. Never thought of it before, but Macklemore/Ryan Lewis are modern day glam rock. Macklemore needs to up his eyeliner game.