that’s stupid -no one reads the root or knows Herriot - try to drop the cynicism, for like half a second
that’s stupid -no one reads the root or knows Herriot - try to drop the cynicism, for like half a second
you’re so maddening - I can tell you’re this smart sensitive dude, but most times you mask it with your black rage...
you mean fatherfucker, don’t you?
she was an asshole for suggesting that YA books are for...YAs?
YA authors and their readership are the most insecure lot you’ll ever encounter on Twitter. It really is amazing how insane they become when someone suggests that literature for young adults is meant for young adults - it’s literally the name of the fucking category. I’ve read some YA not knowing it was actually YA,…
when you get older you’ll understand why
the big diff: the boomers have all the money and they know they’re dying soon, they can can show you you their ass - your still stuck working for rover or capsule or some other bullshit gig economy job while aging every second - it’s just a matetr of time before the folks younger than you are shitting all over their…
you better buy them a truckload of vodka...and consider a mask
Ray - no one but Deadspin pussies give a shit - honestly. Some jerk said something and his boss tried to smooth shit over - stop pretending like these women were gang-raped in the locker room
what qualifications does he need - and I can’t stand him - he’s a lawyer with a decade or more experience as a Florida Senator - including president of the Senate-
As a licensed Blackidity Expert and negrologist I must concur with the Root’s wypipologist - Gaetz is a white man. I’m not sure what Spier’s comment proves - but as a negrologist and blackidity expert, I do concur that Gaetz is most def white
maybe - nothing has gone to trial. I think it’s unwise to provoke police. Gte out of there and then sue or please innocent
she really showed them...I read the post and if you had bothered to read my first post, you’d see you don’t have to produce in NYC either - and I’ve been pulled over on my bike - but I don’t fuck with cops, I wait until court
as the old saying goes - you can be right or you can be happy. The woman is right - but she ends up in a cell.
he produced his ID
Black people may know their rights, but white people are smarter: when I’m pulled over on my bike - which has happened more than once, and the cop asks for ID I show it - even though you don’t have to show ID in NYC- and I sir them to death, am polite as shit and then - after the cops are gone, I either plead innocent…
There are black doctors in every city
of course they won’t mention the hospital - because it’s not bias
oh please, wigga, if they say they’re sorry, the “internet” will come up with a hundred different reasons why the apology was insufficient - what they should be doing is refuse to discuss at all - America has a five minute attention span - see Governor BlackFace for how to deal with a crises
an idiot said something stupid - the Deadspin graveyard crew has little else, apparently, to talk about