STUPIDEST proposal ever
STUPIDEST proposal ever
When I asked Tan-Jones about their decision to to hold their hands up
16 is a minor, no?
fear of climate change, which is very real, and should be eliciting way more fear and panic than it is
black twitter proves once again why the smart company will leave them out of marketing decisions -
always has to be someone to shit in the pool
read the book - it’s not nearly in the realm of anything - it’s an absurdity that even the most repressive of Arab Muslim nations don’t come close to -
I read THMT a month ago - great book, but the fact that no one sees that it describes contemporary Arab Muslim nations is a much greater blind spot than the obvious attack on the Catharine MacKinnon anti-porn feminists - represented by the protags mother - in the American Handmaid world, women can’t drive or go our…
The cauliflower-colored crooner...
Still, Banjo Beyonce - the difference being that she can probably actually PLAY an instrument instead of merely shaking her ass to crowd sourced garbage
Old Married Lady proves her edge by putting FUCK in the headline
How is not a celebrity’s health status not a legit target for the press?
and you should wear the Lazy Fucking Thinker sign
it’s one thing to disagree, but Ley - who really is an absolute no one and unknown has to prove that Gladwell has never been too smart - I have no dog in this fight, but based on book sales - and common sense. Ley is the piece of shit and Galdwell is wrong
there’s another shitty NYC BB team?
Big Stupid dumbass - your children phoning this shit in?
we have to disavow ourselves of the notion that the transatlantic slave trade was Business as usual - never in the history of the world - before or since, were millions sold into slavery and carted thousands and thousands of miles away - only to be stripped of their culture, their religion, their dignity - not to…
it’s a lie that there was ever anything like the transatlantic slave trade - the mass movement of people from one part of the world to another never happened before
you must be one of those guys who tells chicks he’s a feminist to get laid...
Nice deflection!!!