
Hands of stone

Now you’re just being stupid

And homo

And there i was thinking you had some brains...

Asians are now white...

This can only end badly

I hope when his place is burnt to the ground the cops work hard to find the culprit

No one has to be a Muslim

You dont have to have a brain cell to be you...

Black facists.. FIFY

That’s just wrong. Lay the cheese on the burger and cover the grill...make sure you account for that in timing and you get a beautiful melt. I usually toast the buns during this stage

You mean butt... if he would let tou fuck him, the apology would seem more sincere

You know what’s worse than internet apologies? Pretending that people give a fuck about gay people... they really don’t. They care about their jobs... who needs the headache. But not a single person living would prefer a gay kid/trans/genderqueer kid given the option...

Because the n word is directed at a very specific group of people while any race, creedn class or, apparently, gender can be a fword

And yet those n worders sure do love the f word!

Chris, please post a pic of you sucking cock or at least taking it up the ass...i question your sincerity...

Yeah...because your average fb player could be cleaning up in banking...i mean cleaning up the bank with a bucket and mop

This is a misunderstanding of the right to free speech...

The kneejerk cry of racism is the first and last refuge of the moron...

Cheerleading and propaganda is now coverage?