Hugh Freeze fucked, or at least tried to fuck. And now, thanks to Houston Nutt and his legal team, everyone knows it
Hugh Freeze fucked, or at least tried to fuck. And now, thanks to Houston Nutt and his legal team, everyone knows it
Pssst, sissyboi, nobody really fucks up anyone in pro wrestling unless there’s an accident.
I’ve read it. Great, it’s not.
Im sure someone will write an article about this movie that actually makes sense...
Did he day he say Wants the fuck out or Are you a shitty writer with no talent?
That’s pretty fucking convenient... even black folks are white supremacists ...
Ah, the brutal racsim of nyc social workers...many who are women and women of color
Link? Gfy
Some people are patriotic and then there’s people like you ...
CP can shit on America and Tom Ley wouldc suck his dick in Macy’s Window, and yet if he’d made a fag joke Deafspin would call for his lynching...
No blacks in the nfl...must be racsim!
Gee Patty, he took a stand and now he’s standing on the unemployment line...
Yogurt boy threatens disrespect? Really? That’s a threat?
No, it’s an asshole zone
Zen monks don’t judge... you should try sitting and starting a practice, because attacking others who harm no one is bad bad karma ...
Sometimes taking a stand has costs...
Terrorists haved used traditional female garb to hide their identities and explosives...
Hey, what’s wrong with covering the face?
Jezebels: bieber us an asshole!
The chinese harvest organs from political prisoners...but JB is an asshole...