I saw only a few clips on the internet - it looks excellent.
tippet rhymes with cricket?
it’s amazing how not a single person looks to the parents who failed to protect their child - not a single person - EVERYONE else is to blame! and yet, for most of us, our core misery can be traced right back home...funny, right?
it’s true - guns only facilitate suicide - but unlike pills or other methods , there’s a much higher success rate and no few second chances...
they might feel that way - or perhaps, we can look at parents who improperly store a deadly weapon in their home...the same parents who knew their kid was bullied and did nothing about it...but I guess your biased seeing what you have going on at home - I’m sure that everything in the world, but parents are…
this is a gun story - and worse an improperly stored gun story - not a bogus story about suicide.
what a lame attack on a decent guy...
even though we know that radicalized Muslims come right out of the mosques, this IS a good thing? you have a funny definition of good...
They haven’t been to the finals since you could have a drink at Windows on The World...
I’m hoping the Cubs take it - baseball’s past is so ugly but now many of the ghosts have been laid to rest - ie, most home runs (black guy), fastest heater (blacktino guy), possibly best player ever (black guy) - it’s great that a team that last saw the October Classic during segregation (throughout America, not just…
I’ve moved on to the next outrage...please do so as well...
I don’t believe he suspected him of a crime - I think he pulled a dick maneuver and then cooked up a bullshit answer to the cops - which indeed may play off of racist history...
I feel bad for the kid and I think the guy was a dick...I was just questioning the racial angle
I’m not waiting for anything - the story made it clear that the kid was not even injured a little. If you’re comfortable with the racism angle - based on pure conjecture - go with it - you’ll have a ton of stars around here.
another theory - he just wanted to do what he did on Halloween?
according to the newspaper article, the kid ran into the middle of the street and would not move to allow this idiot to drive past. So maybe he’s just an obnoxious bully - you might want to check if he’s been involved in racist acts in the past, because he may just be a jerk - when confronted he came up with a bad…
I would suggest that on this site it’s safe to say the sun is racist for shining in the morning...other than that, it’s pure conjecture and nothing else...
I don’t have an explanation - nor do you - I was just wondering that absent of any proof - other than the actual colors of those involved, is it wise to inject a racial component: I guess so as you’ve already decided...
but Pedro is racist, right?