
I actually happen to mostly agree with you, FWIW, although you may know more about Penn Jillette than I do (if so, I’m all ears). A few thoughts beyond that if you’ll indulge me...

The problem with your comment is that, even at just a few short sentences, it’s already a more comprehensive and nuanced take on the issue than most libertarians are able to muster.

I first read that as the “Second Amendment will be the final nail” and thought, c’mon - that’s going too far ... right? ... I mean ... well ... OK, yes that’s going too far!

Her credibility is more damaged than her hair. 


Is it petty of me to complain that while D’Souza promotes fascism in America, the commenters are ragging on his for his choice of a color palette? 

Currently in a 3rd world country called Alabama, or at least the worst in a developed nation per the U.N., a lot to work on here still.

The take, is subtle and not smarmy. “We underestimate our enemies - at our peril - by calling them cowards. They are very brave lunatics willing to die for God” is the another way to state what he was saying.  

Gawd yes. I’ve been perpetually hungover since election night. Need to stop.

Instead of saying “anti-trump” can we just say “pro-sanity"?

my poor liver

Thank you, completely unbiased commenter who totally doesn’t work for Epix. 

I’m pretty sure the Danzig scale tops out at about 5'3"...

If she was a real friend she would have made her a pie. 

I’m fat as hell but can attest that after a slave day of baking, I no longer want to eat cake

Trick question - the scariest thing is consciousness. Gulper McHellfish doesn’t give a shit about space or land or anything, it just eats and fucks and dies (possibly not in that exact order).

How do you misspell something you obsess over every waking moment?!?

Kavanaugh has stated outright that presidents shouldn’t be indicted...

If and when we ever get out of this shit-show, we need a hard government reboot.