
We all laugh but the joke’s on us

Hi 5 fellow ‘Likes Search for Spock better’ buddy!

I’m sorry you’re going through this. My partners parents function in a similar way. Luckily we have 3,000 miles between them and us and our only interactions are on Facetime, and even then it’s short, and I tend to not be involved. I’m lucky that my Mom isn’t on the wrong side or I don’t know what I’d do. And for the

I really have no advice, because your father sounds exactly like mine. He regurgitates everything he hears from Fox and AM radio, and doesn’t attempt to see any other side. He is willfully ignorant. He is not my ally.

As someone who has gone through something similar, you have my sympathy. But I don’t have any advice, because there’s really none to give. Fox News is basically pushing a drug, and that drug is anger, and a sense of smug superiority over other people. And they’re pushing it to people who are in their waning years, who

All I can say, is that you are not alone. Recently, I found out that people in my own family - my family of Mexican immigrants - voted for Trump. The thing is that they don’t have the balls to say it. They just sit there and talk crap about the immigrants coming into “their” country like their skin isn’t just as brown

I wouldn’t be all that worried, everyone talks shit about Tesla because they think doing what this company is doing should be easy and not come without it’s hiccups. If you look at the bigger picture, they have achieved a hell of a lot in a fairly short period of time. I would look at their accomplishments alongside

Well, maybe he’s just a bad person. I’ve come to that realization with my own mother, countless other relatives, my child’s godparents, decades-long friends. They are bad people.

My dad voted for Obama because he supported my right to marry. Since then he has been calling him Odumbass and using words like Libetard despite my protests. He is the father that would absolutely cross the border illegally if it meant a safer future for his family; but somehow supports families being separated. I

I’m so sorry, my love. If it is any consolation whatsoever, after the election, my father started saying Hillary (who he at least voted for) lost because she “didn’t talk about what she would do for white men.” My mother and I got into repeated arguments with him trying to explain that other people getting EQUAL

I just made a rule that I won’t talk politics with my parents. Ever. At all. If they try, I leave. If they bring it up in my house, I ask them to leave. It was a challenging year or so there, but they’ve got the rules now. When I imposed the rule I basically said, “I don’t think there’s anything to be gained by either

“I want to regain my name and my reputation and my life back,..”

We very well may be seeing the end of the American empire. Pretty much anything and everything is being done to actively destroy the US. All of our once great allies are being turned against us and our position in the world is on the downturn. Corruption is unchecked and we have rancid shit stains like actual child

Actually, DeVos’ next major policy push is a major school safety program, intended address what the Secretary sees as one of the primary dangers America’s children face in their places of learning. It’s a joint project she and Ivanka Trump have been working on.

How do you win a moral argument when the other person doesn’t hold morals from the same century? Or millenium?”

It’s all about “owning the libs” or “triggering the SJWs” for many. They have no actual policies they stand for besides anything that would make the left upset, it’s completely untenable governance and idiotic beyond belief. You can’t reason with them, because they lack any sense of reasoning and don't actually

It was nice of Serena Joy to make a special guest appearance:

This really troubles me too! I am clueless about how to proceed while this ugly, immoral behavior is being celebrated. And you’re right- they LOVE it when ‘the libruls’ are upset. They double down and want to hurt marginalized people even more. I’m so numbed and overwhelmed by what passes for discourse anymore (let

Same with every other tactic. When DNC leaning person doxes a GOP leaning person (or any other tactic), it is something that is shunned and the people on that side of the spectrum turn on them. GOP leaning person doxes a DNC leaning person? Applauded.