
I just disagree. Boseman was a screen icon possessed of unusual charisma and grace, and this was widely recognized before his passing. There’s a reason Boseman is the first unsnapped face we see walking through the portal in Endgame. People aren’t just grading him up as a performer because he died young. With respect

The big thing is he became an icon in the black community and it blew up way beyond just him being a comic character. 

Lulz alright.

It was enough that it was an old-school, star-powered murder mystery in the vein of those (I wouldn’t count ‘Clue’ honestly. It’s much more a comedy, and the mystery doesn’t really hold together). And it was an original, not based (directly) on an earlier work.

Thank you. I thought I was the only one that watched this and was like “Meh.” Clue did it much better and with vastly superior humour.

Or just fuck twitter altogether.

I am both a lesbian and a childfree crone, and I am honestly baffled. Despite not being into dudes, I feel like I can tell when a man is generally attractive. And I cannot believe that at least six times a woman has willingly fucked that man.

Agreed. but Christinaissance and Ricinaissance were right there for the taking. Maybe both is the answer.

If there is ever a Pat Benatar bio-pic I know who they should cast as the lead.

YESSSSSS I’m ready for a Christina Ricci renaissance!

If this was an actual game for current systems...I’d buy it and share my gaming data if it were to go to some kind of ‘analytical systems’ ran by NASA or whomever.

I just want someone to smash that joker-esque smile off his face with a 10 pound sledgehammer.

Diddler Retreats also one of the jaegers cut from Pacific Rim.

I know cats are assholes but that sounds unduly harsh on them.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

I can’t imagine they would let him into gen pop, ever. So yep, he will probably be alone for the rest of his life.

Indeed. This country loves to use Black trauma to “heal” itself. It’s time America stopped “living up to its ideals” at the the cost of Black bodies.

“But I’m white!!! AND a cop!! This isn’t happening. Turn those machines back on!!! Turn the machined back on!!!”

Okay I’ll agree to respect your country’s choices even though they look a little odd to my American eyes. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I hope the Jezebel moderators don’t delete this thread. That would be sad because this has been an eye-opening discussion of international fashion sensibilities and martial

It would have been nice if she had entered with some sort of line like, “Jesus, Ex-Cap! Why the long face? You look like someone took a shit in your cereal!”