I’ve seen people say way worse things and not get greyed out.
I’ve seen people say way worse things and not get greyed out.
Go fuck yourself with having to jump in with your ‘it’s all the same on both sides’ bullshit. One group has a history of slavery, endemic and systemic racism, and a system designed to work against them. The other is mad they can’t be racist anymore. In case you missed it, go fuck yourself.
Chris Christie, is that you?
People like you are why I drink.
I may have missed some batshit antics on Fox, but she grew on me at MSNBC. I’m as left-leaning as they come, but I appreciate a fair centrist, especially in these dark, polarized times. Say farewell to centrism, folks.
Is it flaunting literary privilege to say that anyone going into a production of 1984 without some idea of what they’re going to see deserves what they get?
1st sentence: Good
This is awful for the woman and her family. I know that we all want our final moments to be serene, but death is cruel and rarely decent. It sounds like the EMTs did the job they were supposed to do.
Robbins was part of the late 60s/ early 70s comix scene. She was also the first to call guys like Crumb out on their really open misogyny. She also gives a pretty entertaining talk.
It was a move away from human sacrifice which, was widely practiced by other people in the fertile crescent. Progressive for 1,500 BCE, not so much for 2005 CE.
Everything is better with Mel Brooks.
I think it might be illegal to say such things. But...yes. Beyoncé is beautiful beyond belief but her voice is meh at best.
This is like us all watching Tiberius stalk past, and we mutter about the treason trials and how he wastes money... and then we see Little Boots scurrying to keep up with the procession and we’re all “Oh that poor kid, don’t worry - when his dad Germanicus - the ideal Roman - becomes Emperor, everything will turn out…
I mean could they not muster a fake smile seeing as we’re all paying their fucking room and board now??
Jeez. I feel bad for your husband’s stepmother. My advice is to try and be a little kinder.
Precisely! Paul Ryan is a “wonk” in the sense that most undergraduate students are “wonks.” (I include the 18-22 year old version of myself in this group). They have ideologies on how the world should work but never get into actually playing out how those ideologies may be functionally enacted and the consequences of…
The special was terrible. I was cringing. I want to be more supportive when she’s up against this bs but it was truly not funny.
It was honestly SO BAD. Loved her first special. Loved Trainwreck. Love Inside Amy Schumer. The Leather Special suuuuuucked. And it wasn’t even that dirty, it was just tired. Nothing that original or clever. Timing was poor.
I loved his special!
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m 100% on her side and 100% opposed to the alt-right. On the other hand, her special was not good. I’m a fan of her show, and I liked her movie a lot, and I liked her previous special, but this one sucked, frankly.