
Ashley, I know you probably take a lot of shit over your work here, so I wanted to tell you I have started to deliberately check Deadspin when something like this breaks, knowing that your article will both appropriately reinforce my horror and commiserate with it. You’re great. Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise

Voting for a third party is doing something. It’s the assholes voting for Trump or Hillary that are literally doing nothing. Also some of us are rallying together and trying to be heard, but it’s hard to get past all the money and influence of the major parties.

Personally, I simply want to reduce the vaping community down to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it.

“Cher is an average talent”

Chip and Joanna could have it looking like new in 42 minutes, you’d just have to deal with a lot of shiplap and “distressed” furniture

As a matter of fact, pretty much. Add a big dog and a bookcase containing a few hundred books and record albums so I could just hole up and read while listening to music whenever I didn’t have to be at work, and *that* was my dream life as a kid. I have cats instead of dogs, and iTunes and Spotify have replaced


One of my favorite plays ever.

The community doesn’t seem to place all that much value on dating or commitment (again, acknowledging that as a reflection of my personal feels)... the amount of times I’ve been sneered at for saying I believe in/am satisfied by monogoamy is just ridiculous. Monogamy doesn’t work for everyone’s biology, and I get

Completely agree as one of the desperate single guys on those apps looking to date meaningfully. :(

Let’s just post Parks and Rec gifs? That sounds more fun anyway....

Here’s a dramatic re-creation of Kanye’s speechwriting process:

... Colored People

I was already rolling your eyes, and then I got to the last sentence. Making a huge fucking deal of your birthday already starts to become tiresome when you hit your late 20s. Pulling that kind of shit in your 40s is edging toward loathesome.

Don't forget Dominique Dawes. She was the first African-American to win a gold medal in gymnastics and one of only three gymnasts to compete in three Olympics...Barcelone 1992 (bronze), Atlanta 1996(gold) and Sydney 2000 (bronze). She also had one of the best nicknames...Awesome Dawesome!

As a country, we deserve Trump and that’s the sad truth :(

I usually fill my pot up once a week and reuse it 2-3 times. My Anova gets quite a bit of use.

I usually fill my pot up once a week and reuse it 2-3 times. My Anova gets quite a bit of use.

Not sure if this was part of the original script for Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.

You make living sound like it sucks.

I’d have more respect if they could recognize the basic fact that people have always, ALWAYS known exactly what is and isn’t racist. The only difference now is you’re less likely to get actually for-real lynched for pointing it out or speaking against it. People of color’s reaction hasn’t changed, it’s just gotten