Neveryoumind the pagan base-pair in the DNA of Christianity.
Neveryoumind the pagan base-pair in the DNA of Christianity.
WATCH SEASON 2! Really, they’ve gotten their shit together... the story beats hit differently, the characters are given room to breathe and not forced to fit a storyline and are even allowed to amile or crack a joke, the writing has loosened up a great deal and given us more Star Trekking and less Lost.
Seems to me that so many of those saying Trek books are the gold standard, and canon, seem to always forget that the various book series *constantly* edit/change/outright reboot the “canon” in order to fit their particular story. I’ve read some fantastic Trek novels and a lot of really bad ones, and almost all of them…
I feel like we’re not watching the same show. I don’t disagree that the character exploration is shallow, but the show has branched greatly in terms of giving the relatively large cast their own moments this season... it’s a slow drip, but I’m really enjoying the entire cast. I thought this episode’s story did a great…
I love (read: hate vehemently) the way Fox News and Rush Limbaugh keep trying to point out that a couple of BLACK protestors were yelling things at the “children”... and how the children were only retaliating for being called faggots. As a card carrying fag, I have to point out to them that they’re therefor saying…
I.... really enjoyed The Cloverfield Paradox (!!!).
Strongly disagree with that barely-there apathetic B+ grade. This was a fantastic episode, probably the best of the series so far. They finally figured out their characters, figured out how to get them to show petsonality and interact with one another; personalities developed, the plot isn’t needlessly dense, the new…
Idc about the big dick, I’d let Ocean hit it any damned day. That man is walking sex.
I mean... obviously he doesn’t seem to have much shame, but having such a “private” part of yourself be so publicly discussed has to feel a bit awkward. I know, I know: the shame of people seeing you and thinking, “He has a big dick!”. But, like... to have articles and commenters such as myself publicly discussing…
Except you caring enough to light me on fire with that brilliant burn and the baby-dicked manchild, shutyourfuckingmouth. Thanks for showing you care <3
Holy shit you’re petty, little boy. A Rick & Morty fan through and through.
I’ve seen Latrice perform twoce now and she brings. the. house. DOWN. So good! Adore her, I just felt like this wasn’t her time.
ALSO! I’d just like to point out how well (and admittedly overly) produced this season has been. The drama! The challenges! The upset eliminations! Fuck those Rick & Morty fans trying to come for me for an honest opinion about their garbage show... Drag Rage for the win <3
I’ll just reiterate what my husband has said the whole time: Latrice has already won drag race and doesn’t need the crown. Adore her, but... but. She’s been middling-to-weak this whole tun and her time has been coming. I’m glad Monique gave the finger to the fans and voted Latrice off.
That’d be a sicker burn, brah, if you weren’t defending an equally stupid show watched by people who aren’t in on the joke of how bad it is.. And I don’t attend the show, asshole, I host it, which makes me just as much a garbage pile as you.
Fuck this deeply unfunny bro-show and fuck its insufferable fans.
Agreed. Adore her personality but the execution.... ooh. She didn’t didn’t have the ability, America... once that wig came off I eye-rolled right out the front door. *hate* it when queens remove/lose the wig.
Can’t stand Valetina, and it’s annoying the hell out of the other four people in my watching group that she’s getting SO much screen time, too. She’s not clever, she’s not funny, and her dead, soulless eyes are like those paintings where the eyes follow you as you walk by.
Or, let Hollywood be in your kids.
McCaskill represents foe me why I think democrats are gonna lose in 2020... same goes for Beto O’Rourk. McCaskill represents the bland, idea-less wing of dems who’ce offered zero fixes to the country’s problems and who think our path forward is doubling down on the froghtening politics of the Trump voter. Meanwhile,…