Poetic Stanziel

Oh, please, let that happen.

I saw an episode. Granted, I did not give it a fair shake, but I find it hard to get into those old British sci-fi shows when the production values were so cheap.

Arya can serve as Lady Stoneheart for the television show. Yeah. She's not undead. But she does have a lot of revenge on her mind. There's no big deal giving one character's arc to another, especially when their motivations align.

Will AV Club be continuing to review Wilfred for Season 4?

If they were to show up, they would be cameos, such as Saul accidentally bumping into one of them at the supermarket.

Aaron Paul has so far not been drawn to the new show like a magnet, bitch!

Todd VanDerWerff is leaving AVClub? I hope you're not teasing me.

Ooh. Getting defensive.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

So I should spoil them for myself?

Tell you what, since you don't know Alasdair, there's no point in kissing his ass.

My mistake. I thought this was TV Club going back to review a particular season of a series, episode by episode, on a weekly schedule.

If you're going to watch and review the episodes, why not grade them?

Fat Samuel L. Jackson, foreshadowing the next chapter of the franchise.


My first thought after seeing the first episode was that it was trying hard to be AMC's next Mad Men.

Well in Calgary all of the stadiums are still being used. The speedskating oval still hosts races and is the main centre in Canada for training. The ski hills are still used by the public. The bobsled track is still used for training and for tournaments. The cross-country area is very popular still with cross-country

I'd rather discuss it as an exercise in understanding human foibles, then pretend I'm above it the fray. Blinders are a comforting accoutrement for some.

They're still standing and maintained, they just aren't used often for competition or training. The chinook winds here are unpredictable, and blow perpendicular to launch.

Calgary is one of the few Olympic cities that turned a profit. Other than its ski jumping facilities, all of its Olympic venues are still very much in use and in demand.